Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


Another year, another great start! It has been so pleasing to see how all of our new students have settled in. Changing schools is a courageous decision and it can take some time to establish new rhythms and routines. JMSS truly values inclusivity and actively tries to make new students feel welcome and quickly develop a sense of belonging. However, if any new students are still struggling to transition, I encourage them or their parents to contact the student’s mentor.


Settling into a new school or even a new school year can have its challenges; new systems, new expectations, etc. I would like to refer to a fantastic school resource JMSS Pro Tips. This website is a school resource that JMSS staff have built to enable students to be their best academically. I would like to particularly draw your attention to the Strategies for Success page, which has fantastic resources from sleep habits to study habits!


Like all schools, JMSS has many policies that govern how the school is run. I encourage all households to familiarise themselves with relevant school policies. ( Feedback regarding any of our policies can be given by writing to


I want to remind the community of our wellbeing email – Community members can use this email to contact the JMSS Wellbeing Team. This email is primarily about allowing JMSS to support a student’s needs outside of the classroom. If the email is of an urgent matter regarding a student’s immediate safety, please type ‘URGENT’ in the title of the email. For academic support, please direct those emails to either the subject teacher or the student’s mentor.


Keep up the good work everyone!


Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal