Peter Corkill


Dear fellow members of the JMSS Community


I trust this finds you all well. I have aligned this update with the school Newsletter, which will hopefully save people from accessing multiple documents from the school. There is much to note, especially the weekly calendars which are included.


Recent weeks have featured some of the annual signature events at JMSS. Prime among these are:


●  The Year 12 Camp at Somers, another outstanding event embraced by all our Year 12 students as they took the time to hear from people whose advice will be key, and others like former refugee Abdi Aden whose personal story does nothing but inspire. I am certain this marks a fantastic start to what we believe will be another fantastic year;


● The annual Mathematics Immersion Day, with grateful thanks again to Monash’s mathematical wizard Dr. Burkard Polster;


● The annual JMSS Swimming Sports.


Grateful thanks to all of the organisers of these wonderful events and thanks and congratulations to all of our students whose enthusiasm and outstanding level of participation makes them all so special. As the term continues, it is wonderful to see how well our students have settled into their routines, and how quickly our new students have embraced their new school. Please note the key events on the calendars attached to this bulletin. Keep up the great work team!


Kind Regards

Peter Corkill
