Lab News

Hi All,


Welcome back to JMSS for 2024.


This year we have a new lab technician joining our team. Please welcome Miss Samah Newaz. Samah graduated from JMSS in 2022, and is currently in her second year Bachelor of Science (majoring in physiology and pharmacology) at Monash University. You will see Samah around often, please welcome her back to the school.




Project news: The lab team has been working on and investigating a few new projects that we can possibly implement at JMSS, watch this space for more updates. Here is a teaser: Mapping Platypus populations in Melbourne’s river system.


Citizen Science: We have refreshed the notice board outside 2L3 with all new and exciting citizen Science projects that you can get involved with. Please have a look at them and join if interested. Also if you know of other projects please let us know and we can add to these boards.


Animal news: The Frogs are doing well and have returned from their summer holiday house in the Yarra Valley. Their tank sits in 1L3 along the back. If you hear croaking noises coming from 1L3 that is them, they particularly like Mr G’s voice during Physics classes and will respond to him. It seems this may be breeding season whilst it’s warm so they are very vocal. Frogs are fed in the afternoon on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please come past and have a look. Don’t forget the fish tank in the wellbeing area, our large male catfish are feisty at the moment and protecting their little domains in hope that a female may come past and lay some eggs.


Don’t forget your labcoat and glasses, please leave them in your lockers for the term. They only need a wash at the end of term or after a dissection. PPE loans from the Labtech office (back of 1L3)are available but you will need your compass card to record the loan.


We hope that everyone had a restful break.


The Lab team

Anna Zonneveld, Erika Trickett, Samah Newaz.