Principal's Message

From the Principal

Welcome to the 2025 school year! To those families returning to Hamilton (Gray St) Primary School it has been lovely to see your familiar faces back at school this week. For those families  joining us for the first time, we thank you  for choosing  Gray Street as the right place for your child’s learning journey. I would also like to particularly welcome the families new to the Hamilton community. I hope that you find Hamilton to be a space where you and your family build new friendships and where your children flourish. 

Thankyou to all our families who made time this week to bring your child in for their check in chat and assessment time. All staff commented on how this was a lovely start to the school year. It allowed precious time for staff to  get to know your child better. It also provided an opportunity for your child to get to know some classmates and develop a  feel for their 2025 classroom. We hope that it helped with how your child felt about their first full day today and  about the opportunities the 2025 school year will bring. 


At Gray Street we value the strong relationships we have with our families and the partnership we have with you in supporting your child’s development. This can only happen when there is open and transparent communication between home and school. I encourage parents at any time throughout the year to please contact their classroom teacher with any queries or concerns that they may have as they arise. This also goes without saying that my door is also open to the parents and caregivers of our school community.


Beginning of Day Drop Off Times, and end of Day Pick up Times. 


Our yard is supervised by staff from 8:35 each morning. We ask parents to not drop their children off earlier than this. From 8:35 – 8:50 students are encouraged to spend time in the yard catching up with friends and/or playing before the start of the school day. The 8:50 bell signals to students that they are able to enter the classrooms and begin organising their belongings ready for learning to commence at 9:00. 


At the end of the school day our staff supervise the drop and go zones in Kennedy Street both the French Street (garden end)  and Gray Street end of the school. Please make it clear to your child where they will be picked up from and what your pick up expectations are. Our school expectation is that all children leave our grounds safely,  are picked up safely by their caregiver and that students are not to be left playing in the yard. Parents are most welcome however once they have collected their child to stay and chat with other parents. Our playground is a  great place for you to make connections with other families and for your child to develop their friendships. 




The classroom teacher marks students attendance at 9:00 each morning.  If a child is absent parents will receive a notification via XUNO shortly after if their child is absent. If your child is late we ask that they please come into school via the office to collect a Good Morning smiley face so that our Admin Staff can adjust the role accordingly. Strong attendance at school is essential as it supports consistency in learning and friendships. We understand though that there will be times your child is away due to illnesses or family circumstances.  We ask that parents please let  the school know via XUNO if their child is absent, or by contacting the office. 


School Time Changes  - Learning Times 


Please find below an  important update to our school timetable. This year the school day will be structured into six learning blocks, with each block lasting 50 minutes. This new structure allows us to provide shorter and more  focused time on the core learning areas of Literacy and Numeracy. It also allows  each of our 13 classes to engage with our four specialist teachers – Art, Phys Ed, STEM and Music.  A copy of the specialist timetable has been attached for reference. 

  • Learning Block 1: 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
  • Learning Block 2: 9:50 AM – 10:40 AM

Morning Break 10:40 – 11:10

  • Learning Block 3: 11:10 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Learning Block 4: 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM

Lunch Break 12:50 – 1:50 

  • Learning Block 5: 1:50 PM – 2:40 PM
  • Learning Block 6: 2:40 PM – 3:30 PM

Specialist Timetable Update – Music 


This term we have a change in our Music Program with Mrs Garland heading off on Long Service Leave. We are excited however to welcome Mrs Pitman as her replacement two days a week. Mrs Pitman also teaches Music at Hamilton North and we are very excited to have her join our team. Unfortunately, this change from three days of music to two days means that not all of our students will have music this term. Specifically, the 3/4 classes will be affected, as their music lessons will not take place until Term 2, when the specialist timetable is revised. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate these adjustments, and we are confident that Term 2 will bring exciting learning opportunities for our 3/4 students in music.


Specialist Timetable Update  - New Program – Relationships and Resilience


We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new specialist class for our Year 3/4 and Year 1/2 students this term! Relationships and Resilience will be taught by Mr. Nolan and Mrs. McGinley. This program focuses on helping students build the skills and confidence to work together and overcome challenges. Students will explore how to identify and use their personal strengths to cooperate and work as a team. We’re excited for our students to experience these lessons and look forward to seeing them grow in their ability to cooperate, and communicate with one another.


Recess Eating Changes


We also have an update regarding our school schedule that we believe is of great benefit to our students. After trialling a new structure at the end of last year, we’re making a permanent change to how we organise our recess and eating times. Starting this year, students will now play first for 20 minutes, then eat during the last 10 minutes of the recess period. Lunch however will stay as normal with students eating first then playing. During our trial  of “play then eat’ at recess we noticed students had  the chance to sit down and take their time to eat their recess food without the pressure of eating quickly to get outside and play. By eating after playing we also found this helped students refuel and transition back into their learning environment with a calm and focused mindset.


A Quick Reminder About Healthy Snacks:


Lastly we want to remind parents about the fruit break at 9:45. At this time, students are encouraged to have a quick snack to keep their brains sharp. Please pack a healthy brain food snack such as fruit or  vegetables to support your child’s focus and energy throughout the morning.




Our Foundation students have had a wonderful and exciting start to the year on Thursday.  It was lovely to watch them settle into  the day, and we’re excited for all the learning and growth that lies ahead for them over the next year. As part of our plan to support our students with a smooth transition into school, we have scheduled rest days on Wednesdays in February. These rest days are essential as our little people build their learning endurance and adjust to the  demands of being at school all day brings.  Over the next four Wednesdays the Foundation Team will make a time to catch up with each of our Foundation families. This will be an important time for our team to learn more about your child’s interests and understand the goals, or any concerns, you have for your child. 


In the coming weeks we will be holding a gathering for Foundation families.  Further information will be sent home with students.




The first meeting of the year for School Council will take place on Wednesday February 19th This will be the last meeting for our current Council, with information to be published in  the next newsletter regarding the election process for our 2025 School Council. There will be some vacancies this year for School Council as well as opportunities to be part of working parties in fundraising and facilities.  I urge you to consider becoming involved. If you are interested please let me know or  chat to one of our current parent members.