Year 7-9 - Coaching Parade Campus

Dear Saltwater Community,


Welcome to 2025!

We are thrilled to welcome all our Year 7-9 families to the 2025 school year at Saltwater College! It has been wonderful to see our students settling in so well at our new campus on Coaching Parade. Their resilience, positive behaviour, and enthusiasm for learning have been truly impressive. We can't wait to see your child thrive at our new campus.


Leadership Structure

We are excited to introduce our leadership team for Years 7-9:

Year 7



Assistant Principal - Hayley Mann



Leading Teacher - 

Dylan Haeusler




Year 8



Assistant Principal - 

Joe Doyle



Leading Teacher - 

Sam Tolfo




Year 9



Assistant Principal (Monday to Thursday) - Danielle Colling



Assistant Principal (Friday) - 

Sarah Grenfell



Leading Teacher - 

Nesan Naidoo







Learning Specialist - Maria Nardo




Pastoral Care and Engagement



Assistant Principal - 

Mark McInerney



Leading Teacher - 

Chris Mernik





Our team is dedicated to supporting your child’s academic and personal growth throughout the year. If you have any concerns at all, feel free to contact your child's homeroom teacher or a member of our leadership team. If you see us around the school, please feel free to come and say hi and introduce yourself!


Uniform Expectations

A friendly reminder that all students must wear the full Saltwater College uniform - either academic or sports depending on their subjects for the day. Non-school clothing items such as jackets, beanies, hats, and jewellery are not permitted. Students will be asked to remove non-uniform items before entering the school gates. We appreciate your support in maintaining our uniform standards. If you require any assistance with the uniform or would like to clarify expectations, please reach out.


School Start Times

Secondary students begin their day at 8:45am with homeroom. Gates open at 8:30am, giving students 15 minutes to arrive on time. We have noticed a number of students arriving well before the 8.30am opening time. Please be mindful that we are unable to provide supervision before 8.30am. Students arriving after homeroom has started must sign in at the front office. If your child arrives after gates close at 9:00am, they can use the doorbell on the gate post to allow a member of staff to come and assist with opening the gate. 


Save the Date: Secondary BBQ and Open Night

We invite all families to our Secondary BBQ and Open Night on Thursday 20 February. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our community and explore our new campus. More information will be shared with our community in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you there!


Consent Forms on XUNO

Please keep an eye on XUNO for important consent forms related to upcoming excursions, Food Technology, Science, photo permissions, and ICT user agreements. Timely completion ensures your child can participate fully in these activities.


Year 7-9 Student Leadership Positions

Leadership position applications have been distributed to students. All applications are due by Friday 14 February. If your child is interested in applying, encourage them to speak with their Year Level Assistant Principal to collect a form. An electronic copy of the application process can be found below.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or need to reach a member of our team, please don’t hesitate to call us at 8764 3342 or email


We look forward to a fantastic year ahead and thank you for your continued support!


Kind Regards,

The Year 7-9 Leadership Team