Year Six 

We would like to welcome all families to Year Six for 2025! 


Firstly we would love to introduce our teaching staff!


Our Assistant Principal for 2025 is Michael Nicolaides, who has been working at Saltwater since it opened, and has a passion for the upper years of primary. 

Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal


Supporting Michael will be Year Six Leading Teacher Sarah Grenfell and Learning Specialist James Peterson. 

LT & 6G
LS & 6A
LT & 6G
LS & 6A


For the rest of our teaching staff:


6A- James Peterson

6B- Tara Rankin

6C- Shaneece Kotevski

6D- Mandeep Kaur

6E- Shilpi Puri

6F- Farah Rahmet

6G- Sarah Grenfell and Di Trainon

6H- Loretta Niven

6I- Tammie Edie

6J- Emily Goegan and Kerrie O'Brien. 


We are thrilled to have such experienced teaching staff within the Year Six team for 2025, and know they will make a lasting impact on students final year in primary school!


If any issues ever arise throughout the year, please never hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher. 


Year Six students started the year by settling into their classes by creating strong routines that will hold them in good sted for the entirety of 2025. Conducting the first 20 days of learning students have been organising their classroom libraries, learning the skills required to be a high quality mathematician, unpacking work book expectations and creating their class essential agreements. 


The work of the first 20 days will continue for the next three weeks, as we ramp up into starting our first Unit of Inquiry 'Who We Are'. That unit allows students to look into the changes they go through as they mature, including discussions involving puberty. We encourage all families to begin having these discussions, to not shock students when discussions are had in class. 




Students who were interested in applying for the role of house captain submitted their applications this week. with teachers deliberating which students will be selected in the next fortnight. Well done to all students who applied. We also accepted Canberra camp applications, and will advise who has been successful in the coming weeks. 


Finally, after a transition day vote, we are proiud to announce that Twisha Patil from 6I is the winner of our Year Six polo design competiion! She was the first choice vote by all students! Check out her design below. 

More information regarding the ordering of the polo's and sizing will be out to families shiortly. 


A reminder to all to please ensure you approve students ICT fair use agreement, local excursion form and Photo permission forms as soon as possible. 


Kind Regards


The Year Six Teaching team!