Year Three

Dear Year Three Parents and Guardians,


Welcome back to all our Year Three students and families. We have been so proud of all our students as they have settled back into their class routine with ease. Over the last week, our students have been focusing on building positive relationships with their new classmates and teachers through a range of fun and interactive collaborative learning experiences. We can't wait to see what our wonderful 2025 Year Three cohort will achieve this year.


Introducing the 2025 Year Three Team

Every year as our school continues to grow we have the opportunity to expand our teaching staff at Saltwater P-9 College. We are pleased to introduce our new staff for 2025 joining us in the Year Three team this year- Christine Kim (3B), Tesni Hurley (3D) Fay Dermott (3H) and Angela Jessep (3J). These four teachers have settled smoothly within our team and have quickly built positive relationships with their classes. If you see these teachers around the school, we encourage you to stop and say a quick ‘hello’ and show them the true Saltwater spirit. 


We are also very pleased to welcome Brittney Turner (3A), Kylie Puclai, (3C), Jasmine McDonald (3E), Dhana Athukorala (3E) who previously was a Year Two teacher, Sheridan Jennings (3I) who was previously a Year One teacher, Montana  Vunderl-Messis (3G) who was previously a Prep teacher and Sarah Pearce (3I) who has come back from maternity leave rejoining the Year Three team. They are joined by Saranya Vijay (3F) and Michael Failla (3K). In addition to this, we welcome Kylie Puclai as our Year Three Leading Teacher and David Vivoda as our Year Three Assistant Principal making up our Year Three team for 2025.


The First 20 Days 

Over the coming weeks, all Year Three students will continue to participate in our start-up program, ‘The First 20 Days’ (Learning to Learn). The program is designed to set the environment up to assist students to develop positive relationships with their peers, while helping all students settle into their new class by focusing on developing good work habits, positive attitudes and behaviours towards school, independence as well as establishing routines and structures. Over the past week, students have been going through this start-up program, preparing all Year Three students for success in all areas of their learning academically, socially and emotionally. Throughout the next three weeks of this program, we will have a positive outlook on lessons and activities that encourage your child to bond with both their new teacher and peers in a productive and supported manner, to help foster a love of learning.


In Reading, Year Three students have been exploring what a reading lesson entails, focusing on the expectations and routines to build a deeper understanding. The cohort has engaged with a variety of texts, with a particular emphasis on the concept of ‘Genre’ and distinguishing between fiction and non-fiction. Students have been identifying key features of these texts, such as indexes and glossaries in non-fiction, and problems and solutions in fiction. A major focus in Year Three is comprehension, and in the lead-up to NAPLAN, students will be introduced to the ‘QAR’ strategy—Question Answer Relationship—to enhance their skills in answering both literal and inferential questions. Teachers strongly encourage all students to read every night to support their progress.



In Year Three, writing is a key focus, with students developing their craft by exploring various genres and elements of writing. This year, students began by understanding the expectations and structure of writing lessons. A highlight has been the introduction of the Writer's Notebook, where students use their creativity to design detailed and engaging pieces of writing. They have been creating ‘seeds’ based on personal experiences and ideas, which are then used to inspire their writing. Over the coming weeks, students will continue to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish their work as they delve into Narrative and Persuasive writing.



In Mathematics, students have been engaging in math-based activities using the explicit ‘workshop’ model. Topics covered so far include whole number tasks, such as odds and evens, ordering numbers, skip counting, and using the ‘RUCSAC’ acronym to solve worded problems. These foundational skills will prepare students as they transition to exploring additive and multiplicative thinking in the coming weeks.


General Information

As the school year progresses, we encourage families to reach out to their child’s classroom teacher with any concerns or queries, as they are the first point of contact. We believe in fostering a positive, solution-based mindset to ensure the best outcomes for our school community.


Here’s to a fantastic and successful 2025 in Year Three! We are excited about the journey ahead and look forward to collaborating with you all throughout the year, as well as getting to know the Year Three community better.


Year Three Parent Information Evening

As partners in your child/ren’s education, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming Parent Information session on: 

Date: 19th February, 2025.  

Time: 5.30pm- 6.30pm

Location: In Year Three classrooms. Presentations will be within teacher pod partners. 

This information session is designed to provide you with valuable insights, as well as offer an understanding of the programs we have in place to foster a thriving learning environment.



 Important Dates

• Year Three Parent Information Evening 19.02.25 5:3-6:30pm

• In Term One, it is required that all students wear their hats during recess and lunch. 

• We kindly remind students to remember their widebrim hats must be worn every recess and lunch and ensure they have a full water bottle every day.

• Please ensure iPads are sent to school fully charged.


Kind Regards,

David Vivoda