Year One

Dear Year One Community,

A huge welcome back to Saltwater P-9 College. We hope you had a wonderful holiday.


Meet the Year One Team

We would like to take the time to introduce you to the Year One team.


Leading the Year Ones this year we have:

Brent Syme (AP)
Denae Vines (LT)
Brent Syme (AP)
Denae Vines (LT)

Assistant Principal - Brent Syme

Leading Teacher  - Denae Vines


The Year One teaching team:

1A- Mary Mavridis

1B- Chelsea Christie

1C- Denae Vines

1D- Aidan Sega

1E- Lize Beanland

1F- Justine Rotteveel & Nargis Shakoor

1G- Julia Sambell

1H- Florence Lang

1I- Chloe Danaher & Stacey Grace

1J- Payton Meiers

1K- Ankia Botha

1L- Elise Clark


We would like to congratulate the students on their smooth transition into the new school year. It has been wonderful to see them settle into their new classrooms and build relationships with their new teachers and classmates.


Students have been participating in our First 20 Days 'Learning to Learn' program in all learning areas.  The First 20 Days are crucial for setting the foundation for a successful and positive learning experience. During this time, building strong relationships and establishing consistent routines help students feel safe, supported, and ready to learn. When students feel connected to their teachers and classmates, they are more likely to engage in class and take risks in their learning. Routines, on the other hand, provide structure, reducing anxiety and helping children know what to expect each day. Together, these elements create a sense of security that allows students to thrive academically and socially, making the first days of school essential in laying the groundwork for a successful year ahead.



In Reading, students have engaged in creating expectations for the use of their classroom libraries which involved sorting books into different categories, as well as participating in independent reading and the importance of using the 5 Finger Rule for choosing a 'Just Right Book' 


In Writing, students have been introduced to 'Workbook expectations' and the importance of keeping their workbooks well set out and neat.  They explored what, 'Good Writers' do  such as 

  • Finger spaces 

  • Full stops 

  • Write on the line 

  • Write in their best handwriting 

  • Capital Letters 

  • Finger spaces 

  • Full stops 

  • Write on the line 

  • Write in their best handwriting 


In Mathematics, students are having a blast exploring simple patterns! They're discovering how to recognise and create repeating sequences like ABABAB and AABAAB, which help them develop important math and problem-solving skills. These activities encourage students to observe, predict, and analyse patterns in their everyday world, whether through colours, shapes, or sounds. Understanding patterns also lays the groundwork for more advanced concepts in math and fosters critical thinking in a fun, hands-on way!

Learning to Learn

In our recent well-being lessons, students have been exploring important concepts such as the Zones of Regulation, learning how to identify and manage their emotions. They’ve also focused on helping others, revisiting key attributes of the Learner Profile. By practicing being Caring by showing kindness and support to others and being Principled by demonstrating the 5Ls of listening and following classroom expectations. Our students are developing essential social-emotional skills that promote a positive and respectful school community. These lessons are helping them grow not only academically but also as compassionate and responsible individuals.

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year. 



Parent Information Session

Date: Monday 10th of February

Time: 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm 


  • 1A & 1B: Held in 1B's classroom.

  • 1C & 1D: Held in 1D's classroom.

  • 1E & 1F: Held in 1E's classroom.

  • 1G & 1H: Held in 1G's classroom.

  • 1I & 1J: Held in 1J's classroom.

  • 1K & 1L: Held in 1L's classroom.


  • Please bring along satchels ready for take-home readers to begin on Monday the 17th of February

  • Please login to XUNO and approve ICT User Agreement, Photo Permission and Local Excursions

  • We are a sunsmart school so students need to wear there hats in Term One and Four

  • If you have not brought in your stationary pack, please do so at your earliest convenience.

  • Please ensure your child brings a drink bottle to school each day

Kind regards,

The Year One Team