Wellbeing/Pastoral Care News

We talk at Marian about what it means to “Live the Marian Way”. This year we have spent time looking at Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). The implementation of a PBL framework will make this more concrete for all. This year our focus has been deciding on our core values, defining these values and looking at what behaviours would demonstrate these values in the key environments for Marian. Staff, students and families completed surveys to determine the core values and staff gathered in a full staff meeting to define these values. Overwhelmingly the values that the community saw as key were Respect, Growth and Community. The PBL team is currently looking at key environments and behaviours we would like to see in these environments. The aim is now the development of a matrix of these behaviours, looking at key learning that needs to happen and also to revisit our acknowledgement system. 2025 will see ongoing work in the PBL area.
The Year 11 Wellbeing Team has played an important role this year. The team aims to develop and implement student focused and student led wellbeing initiatives. Under the guidance of Sue Hone and the Year 11 Pastoral Leader Kelly Centofanti this year's team has been very proactive. One of their final activities for the year was a very successful RUOK colour run where Yr 7 and 11 got to enjoy the activity while moving through various stations raising awareness of the RUOK message. Great fun was had by all. Last week the Year 11 students ran a Christmas themed fundraiser. They sold cupcakes and the hall was the scene of some great dance moves as students and staff participated in “Just Dance”. A very joyous time.
Over the past few weeks Year 9 students have participated in some wellbeing programs. First up was a presentation by Life Education - Reality Now. This is a student-centred alcohol and drug education program for secondary students. By fostering awareness and dispelling misconceptions, Reality Now not only educates but also cultivates a culture of responsible decision-making, ensuring that students are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of choices related to substance use, promoting a healthier and safer future. This link to the parent hub provides valuable resources for parents and carers.
Year 9 then participated in the Love Bites program. This is an interactive education workshop on consent and respectful relationships. Students also created artworks around the themes discussed during the day.
Year 10 and our new year 12 students participated in camps earlier in the term. Year 10 embarked on new adventures and challenges at Wombaroo in the Southern Highlands and Year 12 set of to Wombaroo at Murrumbateman on a spiritual and leadership journey as they work towards the HSC. For both groups the opportunity to be with friends, work with staff outside the classroom and be open to new opportunities is invaluable.
The wellbeing of our students is very much a partnership with families and the College community. Wellbeing for Learning is at the core of what we do - a student who is in good health, both mentally and physically, is better equipped to learn and a student who is in the best environment to learn will see positive outcomes for their wellbeing. I wish all families a safe and restful Christmas break and look forward to continuing to work with you in 2025.
Ms Star
Leader of Wellbeing and Pastoral Care