Student Wellbeing

Raising standards
As we begin 2025, we are looking at how we can support our students in raising their academic and social outcomes and helping them become responsible young adults. It requires us to set firm boundaries to benefit all community members. The involvement and support of parents play a crucial role in allowing students to understand how following these guiding expectations brings our diverse community together as one while respecting everyone's unique background, perspectives, and talents as young people made in the image of God.
Banning Mobile Phones:
This is a reminder that, in a time when technology is everywhere, our classrooms are dedicated spaces for learning. We expect that all mobile phones are placed in lockers between 8-50 a.m. and 3-20 p.m., ensuring that every moment is focused on the student's academic success and helps build friendships and social interaction.
Uniform Standards:
Beyond looking good, uniforms foster equality and instil pride, discipline, and professionalism. They remind us that we're part of the one community regardless of background. It will help prepare you for success beyond St John's because first impressions are essential, particularly when applying for a wide range of jobs. This includes wearing the college blazer to and from school each day and hair, makeup, shaving, and jewellery expectations. A reminder that the College Shell Jacket is part of the Sport uniform and is not to be worn with the regular Summer uniform. Please be aware that students who do not meet Uniform expectations when College photos are taken (20/2) will not have their photos taken.
Punctuality to Class:
Time is precious, especially in learning. Being on time for homeroom, 8-50 a.m., and classes shows respect for teachers, classmates, and yourself. It's a life skill that prepares you for school and workforce responsibilities.
These expectations create a positive, focused, and respectful learning environment. We need all our students to take ownership of and follow these expectations. They are part of our role in helping students become young adults and preparing them for life beyond St Johns.
Rights and Responsibilities:
Responsibility to myself
• Achieve my best
• Responsibility for my actions
• Right to learn
Responsibility to My Community
• Students and staff feel safe
• Social media and online behaviour
• Extending courtesy and respect to all
• Right for others to learn
Responsibility to College
• School clean and safe
Please read through this Planner section (pg 22 & 23) and sign it with your student.
Mr Greg Van Es
Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing