TRP@HOME Spotlight

The Resilience Project Update
Over the last two years, our partnership with The Resilience Project has supported our children, staff and families in applying the strategies of acknowledging gratitude, empathy and mindfulness to increase a sense of personal and communal resilience. This was particularly important in the post covid return to school and the weeks and months that followed. Over this period of time, we have noticed improvements for our children in the measures for Resilience, Healthy Mind and Ready to Learn through the data from The Resilient Youth Survey. As a school community, we will continue to encourage and support our children to apply these practices to help them to develop positive habits that may support their wellbeing.
Our partnership with and financial investment in The Resilience Project will conclude at the end of 2024. We thank Hugh, Martin and our School Consultant Luke for their guidance and support during the implementation of the TRP Program at St. John’s. We have engaged in professional learning and have customised the program to meet the needs of our children at St. John’s during this time. This practical knowledge will support us next year as we commence the process to develop a scope and sequence of learning for wellbeing, a key recommendation from the School Review process. We thank our parents and carers who continue to support their children in applying these key principles and the development of our childrens’ emotional literacy to better equip them in communicating their feelings and needs.
As we conclude our work with The Resilience Project, please find below the GEM chat prompts for Mindfulness that you may like to use with you children over the summer holidays, along with the GEM Chats for Gratitude and Empathy that have been published in the last two newsletters.
Wishing all of our families a safe and happy summer holiday and we look forward to seeing our children and families again in Term 1, 2025.
If you have any questions about Student Wellbeing at St. John’s, please email Karen at