Junior School

Term 3 reflection
Congratulations to all the year 7 and 8 students for a successful term 3. Students are to be commended for their positive attitude to learning and for their efforts and achievements throughout the term.
Thank you to the students for their outstanding commitment to their learning. Teachers have sung the praises of our Junior School students who have shown respect, readiness to learn and developed strong connections as a cohort. There is a big sense of pride, teaching a group of students who are interested in learning, showing kindness towards others and making the Junior School a great place to be. Thank you to each individual student for making this happen.
Year 7 and 8 students both participated in end-of-term celebration assemblies today. Please ask your child what they feel proud about from their term at DSC and how may they build upon this in term 4.
Thank you to the families for your guidance and support at home. We know that the successes of our cohort come from the values that our families instill at home. Over Term 4, we look forward to continuing our partnerships with families and setting students up for success in 2024.
Junior School Team
For the love of books
It was Book Week at Doncaster Secondary College during the week of the 21st of August, and to celebrate, our Student Representative Council hosted a lunchtime book swap in the Junior School Reading Nook. The SRC also set up a mural for students to share their favourite authors, books, and characters.
Year 8 Science
Year 8 rocks and minerals, from Mr Nye's personal collection. No where else will you find a more engaging activity when studying geology...
DSC Food Technology Course Impressions
During this long summer vacation, I was supposed to spend it in Shanghai, but I was fortunate enough to go abroad to DSC Melbourne, Australia for the third semester of study tour. Although the local language and culture shock during the whole study tour made it difficult for me to adapt, many of the courses allowed me to experience different aspects of the culture. Among them, I think the most memorable and practical course was Food Tech.
The school would prepare fresh ingredients for us in advance. We would cook all kinds of different and delicious food in each class, and independently made it, ourselves. Our teacher was a kind and approachable teacher. She would patiently teach us how to make food step by step, and I would also watch her demonstration carefully, so in the end I would get a product that I was satisfied with.
Every time I made it, I took it home and shared it with my family. My family often joked that this course was what I would miss the most after returning to China, and I think so too.
The most unforgettable moment for me was the last class---making salad. Each of us chose different ingredients. After mixing the ingredients, I chose French Dressing to decorate it. The dressing mixture had a strange smell at first, but I didn't expect it to be as surprisingly delicious as it was when I poured it into the salad.
I ignored my hunger and took it home to share with my family. They were also amazed and praised it repeatedly. I smiled sweetly. I will never forget this precious study tour, let alone the Food Technology course, which will benefit me throughout my life.
- Stella J., 7D
Original text in Mandarin...
在这漫长的暑假,本应在上海度过的我却有幸出国,到澳大利亚墨尔本DSC进行第三学期的游学活动。虽然整个游学过程中当地的语言和文化冲击让我很难适应,但是其中很多课程让我体会到不同的乐趣。其中我认为最令我难忘且最实用的一门课程当属Food Technology了。 学校每节课都会提前给我们准备好新鲜的食材,每节课我们都会做各类不同而且美味的食物,且都由我们每人亲自动手制作。我们的授课老师 是一个亲切、平易近人的老师。她会不厌其烦地一步步教我们做食物,我也认真看她示范,所以最终也会得到自己心满意足的作品。每次我做完,都会带回家和家人一起分享品尝。家人也经常开玩笑说我回国之后最想念的一定是这门课,我也这么觉得。最让我难忘的一次是最后一次课-------做沙拉。我们每人选择不同的食材,食材搅拌后,我选了French Dressing去点缀它。刚开始dressing的混合物有一股奇怪的味道,没想到把它倒进沙拉中竟出奇地鲜香。我忍住食欲,把它带回家给家人品尝,他们也被惊艳,连连称赞。我露出了甜甜的笑。我永远不会忘记这次珍贵的游学,更不会忘记Food Tech课程,它能让我受益终生。
In case you missed it on Facebook...
Champions of Geography
We are thrilled to announce some outstanding achievements from our Year 7 and Year 8 SEAL students in the 2023 Australian Geographic Competition.
A big round of applause for these exceptional young minds who have earned Credit, Distinction, or High Distinction certificates in this year's competition.
The Australian Geographic Competition is no walk in the park. It challenges secondary school students to put their geographical knowledge and skills to the test through a rigorous online multiple-choice question exam. With over 40,000 students participating nationwide, our students rose to the occasion and showed them what we're made of!
Well done to the following students.
Student | Year Level | Award |
Kaylie L. | 7 | High Distinction |
Mehraan N. | 7 | High Distinction |
Tiger N. | 7 | High Distinction |
Sophia A. | 7 | Distinction |
Isobel M. | 7 | Distinction |
Hrithvik S. | 7 | Distinction |
Aiden Y. | 7 | Distinction |
Lucas H. | 8 | Distinction |
Adrian N. | 8 | Distinction |
Isabelle V. | 8 | Distinction |
Arin D. | 7 | Credit |
Nikki F. | 7 | Credit |
Alex G. | 7 | Credit |
Christina K. | 7 | Credit |
Jana L. | 7 | Credit |
Hannah L | 7 | Credit |
Chloe M. | 7 | Credit |
Georgia P. | 7 | Credit |
Shanice L. | 8 | Credit |
Rachel T. | 8 | Credit |
The Mandarin Art Project
During Mandarin, Helen.L and Helen.C decided to make a traditional Chinese scroll using the tube standers made by our school maintenance worker, Tom.
We included a traditional Chinese window that has the view of the round moon in the peaceful night as well with a unique poem on the right. The poem is called “Quiet Night Thoughts” by Lai Bai which was made during the Tang dynasty in China. The ancient poem expresses the melancholic yearning for family when you are away from home.
We believe that the concept of the artwork is unique and is original as the picture that appears on the paper is of a quiet night, next to the silent pavilion, accompanied by a full moon. Next to the painting is a famous ancient poem. Our work is placed on the top of the cabinet located in A5, placed together with the lanterns made by other students. These works complement each other and are full of classical Chinese culture. The artwork will remind every overseas student of their homeland. Everyone who sees this work will marvel at the originality and creativity of these two students.
Ms Ning Zhang
Mandarin and Food Technology teacher