Significant Events

Wear It Purple Day
Wear It Purple Day was on Friday 25th August. The aim of Wear It Purple Day is to help build an empathic community and to inspire the creation of an inclusive and positive space. This year, a small team of Year 9 students planned, organised and delivered a college-wide initiative to encourage and acknowledge the importance of ally-ship and support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Being an ally does not require you to know everything or advertise it, but it does require you to be open-minded and respectful.
Hats off to these awesome Year 9 students:
Maya C., Emma G., Flick J., Sienna M., Eden M. and Andrelle W.
Together with Ms McGee, they went above and beyond by arranging fantastic guest speakers for our Middle School. We had representatives from both Cisco, a leading corporate business, and the Melbourne Rovers S.C., an inclusive sporting club, sharing their valuable perspectives.
The corporate world and the realm of sports might seem very different, but both understand the power of inclusion and what can be achieved when everyone is free to be true to themselves.
Throughout August, splashes of purple were scattered around our school in hopes of reminding all students and teachers of the celebration of Wear It Purple Day. Our WIP team had been meeting online with CISCO for a few weeks before the day and learned the process of organizing a whole school event while also bringing people together. To spark discussion, purple ribbons were tied onto classroom doors and posters added some purple color to the windows. However, our assembly on the 22nd of August couldn't have been more successful without special guests from Melbourne Rovers and CISCO. We are also really proud of the contribution of students and teachers, who wore some purple on Friday. Congratulations to our Wear It Purple winners and thank you all!
- Maya C., 9
Thank you to Cisco International for donating prizes to our Wear It Purple Day raffle.
- Most Outstanding Student: Calvin H. 7D
- Most Outstanding Staff Member: Ms Lattanzio
- Student Raffle winners:Matilda H. 7E, Sarah D. 8E, Isabelle V. 8E, Lovissa F. 10, El P. 10, Munazza M. 10.
A special mention to our Canteen staff who not only dressed in coordinating purple, but they also served purple jelly on the day.
I’m Here to Hear because a conversation could change a life.