From the Principal's desk

Firstly, a big thank you to all parents and students who attended our parent/teacher/student conferences yesterday whether in person or online. If you did miss out, please contact the school to arrange a catch up with staff.

We received positive feedback on the benefits of families connecting with the school. These days as well as delivering ‘the three R’s’ of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (only 1 starts with R which is not lost on me), schools provide so much more.

Schools provide teaching and learning in the areas of mental health and wellbeing, inclusion, road and community safety, relationships, rights, pathways support, work experience, camps, excursions, healthy food, vocational subjects, job interview techniques, public speaking, sport, health, P.E, music, arts, technology, cyber safety and much more.

The variety of subjects we offer is incredible considering our student numbers and this allows students to stay in school longer, engaged in subjects they enjoy. Where we cannot provide a teacher due to low selection numbers, we have been able to find a virtual or distance education option.

The subject selection process is rigorous and does not stop with the subject being selected but also includes a subject counselling session that includes reviewing past success, pathway direction and information about the requirements of further education.

We are very proud of our wellbeing support which includes highly trained staff who support our passionate year level coordinators and classroom teachers to ensure we identify students requiring support and help families to find the expertise required to move forward.

The magic that is schooling and the vast range of complex programs being offered means families can be confident their children have first class access to the keys to unlocking future success. We are very fortunate that our families use Compass, email, phone calls and meetings to stay in touch when required and we continue to encourage this connectedness.


Alice in Wonderland

If you have not yet purchased your AIW tickets, please do so soon so as not to miss out. Our students are very excited by the prospect of performing for you and the props created by the support team are outstanding. Ben Hunter and his team of Roger Kennett, Tina Gartlan, Glenn Hayes, Jo Porter, Steve Constantine , Lisa Mcdonald and Sam Ludbrook have been instrumental in assuring the success of the event.