Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 18.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

18.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Julian A


Miss Belanti

For making use of Brain Breaks to keep focused and make learning exciting!

Well done!

Sharbel A


Miss Santilla

For showing a positive mindset towards your learning to achieve your reading goals! Well done Sharbel! 
Xavier B


Miss Accaputo

For your determination and openness to continuous learning as you embrace any tasks. Amazing effort!
Mila A


Mrs John

For displaying the Habit of mind ‘Striving for Accuracy’ during maths by checking your answer and trying your best. Well done Mila!
Magdalena P


Miss Mihocic

For being a kind classmate and working hard to collaborate with peers! Well done for not being afraid to push yourself outside your comfort zone!   
Yvie-Lee Skaf


Mrs Tasevski

For always looking for the good in everything and everyone.  Love that positive mindset Yvie Lee.  Keep it up!
Arianny N 


Miss Paige

For using the Habits of Mind "Thinking Flexibly". You challenge your thinking and consider the ideas of your peers. You're an active member of 3A and always strive to be a great learner. Well Done Arianny!
Blake P.


Miss Ravanello

For showing a positive mindset in your learning and continuing to challenge yourself in all that you do. Love your work Blake, keep it up!
Eleira La B


Miss Macri

For showing confidence to come out of her comfort zone and share her learning and achievements with maths with the class. Keep it up
Paulette W


Mrs Peel

For being a kind and considerate class member of 4B by always wanting to assist her peers and teacher. Well Done Paulette.
Olivia P


Mrs Carey

For using the Habit of Mind 'Taking Responsible Risks' and giving the spelling bee your best effort! Great effort Olivia!
Adam S.


Mrs McNamara

For supporting your classmates with their creation of a paper plane during STEM by giving encouragement and positive feedback!
Joseph F.


Miss Kelly

For inspiring your peers with your passion for creating resources for literature circles! Your ideas are the right level of engaging and humorous. Excellent work!
Marygrace G


Miss Lee

For following the HOM ‘Remain open and continuous learning’ throughout our Maths sessions. 

Milla K (2A)


Mila A (1B)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For persisting and always giving her best effort throughout Physical Education lessons. 


For showing an enthusiastic attitude towards PE and always trying her very best. 

Cassandra T (5A)


Mr Steve

For sharing your wonderful singing voice. Your talent and energy is amazing!
Nolan Z (1B)


Mrs Zaffina

For creating an amazing “Mi piace ma non mi piace” (I like but I don’t like) book. What a great effort! Bravo Nolan!
Eric K (3A)


Mrs Symeoy


For working wonderfully with his partner to build and program a lego model and then assisting others to achieve success too! Amazing work! 
Devon (2A)


Mrs Garro

Trying so hard in art classes and trying new things . Keep it up Devon.. 

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 25.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

25.8.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Summer A


Miss Belanti

For sharing your faith with your peers. You are a role model in spreading the light of faith in our school community. Well done Summer!
Chase D


Miss Santilla

For striving for accuracy in your writing with neat handwriting and using your letter-sound knowledge to spell tricky words! Well done Chase!
Tahlia W


Miss Accaputo

For showing kindness and always offering support to anyone in need. Thank you for being a role model!
Jack M


Mrs John

For displaying the strengths of a successful reader by stopping to check for meaning and rereading. Keep up the great work, Jack!
Milla K


Miss Mihocic

For trying really hard to push herself in her reading by being an active participant in reading groups and classroom discussions. Keep it up Milla!
Massimo P


Mrs Tasevski

For his incredible work ethic and willingness to give everything a go.  What an impressive growth mindset! Keep it up Mass!
Ava. M


Miss Dicello

For persisting with our challenging writing topic of a 'Historical Newspaper Recount'. You always strive to be creative, take on feedback and are working towards creating a great newspaper report. Well done Ava!


Miss Ravanello

For showing persistence in your learning, and using your learning dispositions to help you complete tasks successfully. Keep up the great work Leo!


Miss Macri

For always greeting her teachers good morning and using beautiful manners with the people around her. 
William E


Mrs Peel

For showing persistence and by taking on feedback to enhance his writing.   Your Information report is amazing.  Well Done William! 
Harrison M


Mrs Carey

For demonstrating the Habit of Mind 'Persistence' whilst using the division algorithm. Great work Harry!
Savanna Z


Mrs McNamara

For trying really hard to extend your reading knowledge by practising different comprehension strategies while reading at home and at school! Well done Savanna!
Joshua M


Miss Kelly

For using Accountable Talk to level up our class discussions around our FLI inquiry and our Literature Circles. Well done!
Annika G


Miss Lee

For following the positive learner identities and qualities of a Class Captain. Well done!!

Mila M


Ana C (Prep A)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For always having a positive disposition and taking risks when it comes to her learning in Physical Education. Well done Mila. 


For showing  excellent listening skills  in PE and completing all tasks with enthusiasm. Well Done. . 

Derica W(6B)


Mr Steve

For showing leadership and drive to play and perform music with your group. Fantastic!
Juliana S (1B)


Mrs Zaffina

For showing great persistence when creating her amazing illustrations for her “Mi Piace Ma Non Mi Piace” ( I like but I don’t like) book. Bravissima Juliana!
Emma S (1A)


Mrs Symeoy


For showing enthusiasm in our STEM session and for being happy to share her learning with myself and others. Amazing work!
Alannah M 6A


Mrs Garro

For showing initiative and enthusiasm completing her artist canvas. Alannah, I am so proud of the amazing artist you are!