Melanie Sanderson
Melanie Sanderson
On Friday 11th of August, the Eco Warriors were fortunate to hear about the generosity of Susie O'Connell (Jack's mum in Year 5) who formed Fiji Kidz.
Susie shared photos of Loamary Catholic Primary School where she donates stationary, books, shoes and uniforms.
It was a good opportunity for our students to reflect on how lucky we are here at School of the Good Shepherd and to appreciate the abundance of resources that are readily available for our students.
Eco Warrior Actions
The Eco Warriors each shared Susie’s Powerpoint presentation with their classes.
The Eco Warriors will make posters at their next meeting so please keep an eye out around the school.
How the school community can help
We encourage students and families to look around their house to donate any left over stationary that they no longer need. Such as:
The Drive will go from the 11th of August to the end of September. Fiji kidz will take the objects to Fiji on the 17th of October.
Students are encouraged to bring their donated items to their classroom teacher.
Eco Warriors
Mobile Muster Collection at SoGS:
To reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfill we have signed up to Mobile Muster to help make a difference.
If you would like to donate a phone please come into the front office to collect a bag or email for Mel to organise the bag to go home with your child. The bag has step by step instructions on how to recycle your mobile phone. Once completed, please return the mobile in the bag to the front office and we will do the rest.
Thank you in advance.
Melanie Sanderson
Sustainability Leader