Health Space

Health News
- More staff have been trained in Emergency Asthma Management this month
- Over 100 of our staff have had their Adrenaline Auto-injector (Epipen and Anapen) skills updated - we have 2 students and 2 staff with anaphylaxis at Hampton Park.
- DISS clinic continues to see students and refer on to other health services as needed. We say a big thank-you to Mohita who was the clinic nurse from the beginning of DISS services at HP and has now been replaced by Allison, Welcome!
Health Pop Up
Prue and Kaye held a Health Pop Up in the Walton presentation space. We had a great time promoting the importance of sleep and healthy relationships. Lots of students dropped past to engage with the activities and information on display.
Our next Health Pop Up is being planned for Term 3. Details to come…
Kaye Walker (Health Promotion Nurse) + Prue Smith (Health Space Nurse)
NEW Affirmative Consent Laws
On July 30 2023 the Victorian Consent Laws changed to align more closely with the Affirmative Consent Model. It is acknowledged that this has not been widely publicised and so the attached document has been created to simplify changes for parents and students to assist with a better understanding.
Healthy Life Habits with Year 12's
Kaye & Prue delivered a session to Year 12 students during Mentor classes on Tuesday 25th July. The session explored healthy life habits to increase long term health outcomes and key healthy habits to maintain in life as an adult. The topics covered included self-care, healthy eating, keeping active, sleep, safe party, mental and sexual health.
More in depth content on these key life habits was covered during Mentor on Tuesday 8th August and Tuesday 15th August with the wellbeing team and nurses arranging sessions around mindfulness, healthy eating, fitness and the new affirmative consent laws. It was great to have Infinite Fitness and the School Lawyer assist with these sessions.
Vic kids eat well
We’re part of the Vic Kids Eat Well movement so we can boost healthier food and drink options. #VicKidsEatWell @VicKidsEatWell
More details to come…
Health Promotion Nurse
The Health Promotion Nurse Kaye Walker (DET Secondary School Nurse) has changed work days and is now available on Monday and Tuesday and located in the Wellbeing Centre.
The role is primarily health promotion focused and attached is an infographic to explain the role.
PLEASE NOTE: The health promotion nurse cannot undertake long term counselling around psychological, relationship or educational problems.
To make a referral please follow the wellbeing referral process.
Regards, Kaye