Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we embrace the upcoming academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some important updates and initiatives happening at our school.
Plant a Tree Week
National Plant a tree day was held on Sunday 30th July. At HPSC, we like to do things differently. Rather than a day, we decided to plant trees throughout the week. Last week, our Year 7 students participated in our annual "Plant a Tree Week" initiative. This endeavour not only aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability but also provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to connect with nature and take active roles in caring for our planet. A heartfelt thank you to Ms. Anita Long for championing this initiative and making it possible. Thanks also to Ms. Christen Barnard (STEAM Assistant) and Colin and Lachlan from Maintenance for their support.
National Science Week
Although, this week is Science Week, by the amount of science activities recently, one may have thought that it was Science month!
To celebrate, the science team have been running both at-school and online activities. Tuesday: Science Kahoot during Mentor with prizes on offer for winners Thursday: Science club 'experiment round robin' in P7 at lunchtime.
Pasifika Evening
Thank you to all families who were able to join us this week at our Pasifika evening. Our audience were able to witness a full-stage rehearsal for the 4 C’s at Bunjil Place on Monday 28th August. Students from the Cook Island group, Samoan group and members of the Pasifika Choir showcased their talent. Delicious traditional snacks were served including Panipopo buns and Samoan pancakes.
Matthew McKenzie from the Department of Home Affairs attended to unpack the government information regarding the most recent changes to Australian Citizenship for New Zealand citizens. These changes occurred on 1st July 2023, for New Zealand citizens to gain more support to benefits in Australia. This could have a beneficial impact for many of our New Zealand students and families. Opening up more opportunities for support with the likes of TAFE fees, Uni fees, and other important benefits. Permanent visas will no longer be required.
Parent Opinion Survey
Each Year the Department of Education seeks feedback from parents and carers. Feedback does not have to wait for the annual survey. As Principal, you can contact me anytime to let me know, what we are doing well and of the opportunities for further improvement. If you wish to partake in this years’ Parent Opinion survey, please contact the school 8795 9400.
2023 VATE Writing Competition
VATE's writing competition, A Story in Miniature, is now open for 2023. Students in Years 7-12 and their teachers are invited to submit a story between 300 and 500 words in length inspired by the writing competition theme.
The winners of each category will each receive a $150 book voucher, and their stories will be published in Idiom. The runners up will receive a book package. Please contact your English/EAL teachers and express your interest so that they can authenticate your work later. Good luck everyone! For more information please see Ms Kiran
Course Counselling
As we approach a new academic year, I want to emphasise the significance of course counselling for our students. The course selection process is a crucial step in shaping their educational journey. Our dedicated team of academic advisors is ready to guide and support students in making informed decisions about their course choices, aligning their strengths and interests with their academic pursuits.
Morrisby Report Counselling
We're excited to introduce the Morrisby Report counselling sessions, which will provide students with valuable insights into their aptitudes, interests, and potential career paths. Our career counselling team will work closely with students to help them interpret their Morrisby reports and make informed decisions about their future academic and career goals.
4 C’s Rehearsals
The 4 C's—Cultivating, Creative Cultures with Communities. Celebrate cultural diversity at HPSC. This annual event has strengthened in recent years with more than 100 students from our college engaged. Following many hours of rehearsals, will culminate in a showcase on Monday 28th August at 7pm at Bunjil Place.
Staffing, Advertised positions.
As we continue to provide the best possible education for our students, like many schools we also face staffing challenges. We have the following teaching positions available:
- Humanities/Accounting
- Humanities (Graduate teacher)
- Health & P.E (Graduate teacher)
- Health & P.E
- Science
- Science (Graduate teacher)
We are actively seeking qualified and dedicated individuals to join our team. If you know someone who fits this description, please encourage them to contact the school for further details. Our commitment to excellence in education is at the core of all our endeavors, and the right staff members play a crucial role in achieving this.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our parents and guardians for your unwavering support in making our school community thrive. It's your partnership that truly makes a difference.
Wayne Haworth