Year 1 Unit

Here we are almost at the end of Term 3 and what a busy term it has been! From our Hanging Rock excursion to Book Week to everything in between. It’s been a big term for learning as well and it’s been wonderful to see the Year Ones working towards and achieving their learning goals.
Maori Cultural Incursion
Yesterday, the Preps and Year Ones spent some time learning about the Maori culture, indigenous artefacts, facial tattoos, preparation of food for special occasions and the Haka. The students got to learn a Haka and had great fun performing it!
Procedural Writing
For the past few weeks the Year One students have been learning all about procedural writing. They have studied the structure and language of procedural texts (turns out that precise verbs are quite important!) and had a go at writing their own. The Year Ones have undertaken several hands on activities, including making pizzas, to help support their writing. This week they have been working on a procedural text that will teach someone how to blow a bubble. The Year One students had lots of fun pracitising blowing bubbles outside!
Interviewing a Community Member About the Changes Around Us
Yesterday, Barb came and visited JU4 to talk about changes in the school environment over the years. Students worked on understanding the purpose and features of an interview and created questions to ask Barb. Barb had lots to share about schooling in the past - JU4 was very interested in spelling bees and what happened when you got in trouble!
We hope that everybody has a fun and relaxing holiday and look forward to everyone coming back well rested and raring to go for Term 4!
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont