Middle Unit -2/3

This week, the middle unit have started a new unit of work on recounts. We have continued to build on the amazing skills acquired during the poetry unit, using the techniques to write more powerful and descriptive sentences. We have been further developing our visualisation skills in our reading sessions, including how to identify specific words in a text that help us to visualise a setting and how the author uses these to create a vision in our heads.
This week in Maths, the Middle Unit have been learning about money. We have enjoyed identifying Australian coins and notes, used them to make amounts to pay for items and find change. We have also had a fantastic time playing games involving money including designing challenge cards for own our class board games.
Multicultural Awareness Day
This week we have celebrated a variety of different cultures as part of our Multicultural Awareness Day. In the Middle Unit, we had a great time finding out information about a variety of different cultures from countries around the world including Japan, Nepal, Mexico, South Africa and New Zealand. The first task involved the children making their own passports which they then used to collect stamps in as they visited each workshop. The first workshop looked at Japan and they followed instructions using the iPad’s to make an origami creation (or two!). Another room centred around Nepal with the children making prayer flags which will be made into bunting. For Mexico we looked at the Mexican festival ‘Dia de los Muertos’ and had a great time creating decorative facemasks. For South Africa the children looked at the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and had a go at basket weaving. We also had the absolute pleasure of being part of a Maori Culture Workshop, where the children got to learn about the cultural practices and traditions of the Maori people, as well as take part in a performance of the legendary haka. It was an awesome day, and everyone had a brilliant time participating in all the exciting activities.
Year 2/3 Teachers
Mark Condon/Deb Thompson, Greer Arnold/Katie Cashen, Caitlin Hanks/Lisa Sutch, Lyndsay Adamson, Breanna Smith