French News:
Quoi de neuf?
French News:
Quoi de neuf?
Bonjour tout le monde! Hello everyone.
In French this term, the MU students have been leaning about the verb ‘habiter’, meaning to live. Unlike in English, this word is specific to saying where you live, while the verb meaning to be alive is ‘vivre’.
Making a connection to the word ‘habitat’, students were asked to choose an animal and say where it lives. Have a look at some of the gorgeous drawings the students produced. (Credit to Patrick, Zoe, Dante, Elena, Jacob, Piper and Elizabeth)
I would also like to congratulate the year 4 students who competed in the finals of the French poetry competition. Well done Josseline, Emma, Lucian, Nyah and Ally. We await the results with eager anticipation.