Key Dates

Term 4 2023 |
Monday 2nd October - Wednesday 20th December Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day Wednesday 8th November - Student Free Day Friday 24th November - Student Free Day |
Dates for your diary
Important Dates |
Monday 2nd October - First day of Term 4 |
Monday 2nd October - Sub School Assemblies |
Tuesday 3rd October - Whole School Assembly |
Tuesday 3rd October - Monash University Robogals STEM Excursion |
Tuesday 3rd October - Red Frogs School Leavers Presentation Year 12 |
Wednesday 4th October - Making Money Work Incursion Year 9 |
Thursday 5th October - Farming Technologies Excursion |
Thursday 5th October - Regional Athletics |
Monday 9th October - Chess Secondary Open State Finals |
Wednesday 11th October - Sociology: Melbourne Magistrates Visit |
Wednesday 11th October - Duke of Edinburgh Evergree Retirement Village Activities |
Wednesday 11th October - Raise |
Friday 13th October - Chess Secondary Girls State Finals |
Friday 13th October - Ross Huggard Year 12 English Seminar |
Monday 16th October - Year 7 Science Sealife Aquarium Excursion |
Tuesday 17th October - Year 7 Science Sealife Aquarium Excursion |
Wednesday 18th October - Year 12 Celebration Day and Last day for Year 12 Students prior to Exams |
Wednesday 18th October - Raise |
Thursday 19th October - VIS Performance Nutrition |
Tuesday 24th October - Year 12 Exams Commence |
Wednesday 25th October - Duke of Edinburgh Evergreen Retirement Village Activities |
Wednesday 25th October - Raise |
Thursday 26th October - Year 7 Round 2 HPV Only |
Student Free Days |
Wednesday 8th November 2023 |
Friday 24th November 2023 |