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VCE Vocational Major Excursion - 18th August
The VCE VM students went to the Victorian Careers Expo and WorldSkills National Championships.
"It was very interesting to see the different possible careers and opportunities that I could be following such as landscape construction." Florence
"I enjoyed seeing all the VET careers competing against each other." Madison
"We were all able to find different and interesting pathways that we should study and complete the courses to get certificates and diplomas to use in our future careers." Chelsea
Year 9 Novellete and Poetry Excursion - 24th August
Our Year 9 Novellete and Poetry class were fortunate enough to explore Victoria’s State Library in Melbourne City.
The class had a tour around the library, including the most iconic spot in the library space, The Dome. We also had the opportunity to create our own “zines” during our visit.
We later ventured around the city of Melbourne, with free time to connect with nature and the city for writing inspiration, in the CBD and Birrarung Marr, next to the Murray River.
This excursion gave us an excellent opportunity to connect with our peers, imagination and the outdoors!
Isabella M
Year 9 Student
VCE Vocational Major Excursion - 21st August
Our class is currently studying Certificate II Active Volunteering and as part of this, we have to complete 20 hours of volunteer work.
The Vocational Major class went to St Kilda Mums to help sort donations to be given to people in need. While we were there we had a tour of the warehouse facility to see all the amazing work the volunteers do and then we were split into groups to begin our work.
One group sorted through clothes that had been donated and made beanie gift packs. Another group was in charge of making stationery packs for children with coloured pencils, textas and craft supplies.
After a morning tea break and some cake to celebrate a classmate's birthday, we were back to work sorting pajamas and more clothes.
We enjoyed spending our time volunteering there for the day and seeing all the cute baby clothing and supplies. It was a great experience working with other volunteers and learning how the organisation runs to support people in need.
Annabelle, Jesele, Ashara, Trish and Jesela - Active Volunteering students
VCE Vocational Major Excursion - 24th August
Our VCE VM students went to Cummins South Pacific for the Polish Program to better prepare them for the workplace.
Student reflections below:
"I really enjoyed the experience because we got to experience being interviewed by people who took different career pathways." Audrey
"It was educational, having mock interviews and learning about the different careers of the seven volunteers from Cummins." Holly
"It was very useful advice that was given about workplace skills in the program that was run." Despina
Year 9 Art Class Spiritual Beings - 26th August
Inspired by the dream time stories of the First Peoples "Wandjina" Art.
Year 9 Art students have ventured into creating their own Spiritual beings in clay and the results are amazing!
Ms Miha
Year 7 and 8 Textiles Sewing - 26th August
Year 7 and 8 Textiles classes have been working on hand sewing skills and created a great Harvest of Avocado key rings.
They have also been learning about the sewing machines, and many have mastered the threading of the machines and have begun sewing projects.
CGSAV Netball - 31st Auguts
On Thursday 31st August we took seven netball teams to Eagle Stadium (Werribee) to compete in an all-day netball competition.
Killester also hosted the day. Thank you to the three students from Sport and Recreation class who helped run the day. Our teams competed well on the day and we finished up with some great results!
Ave Maria was the school to beat on the day. They won all their grand final games except one... which went to Killester!
Our results for the day were the following:
Junior A - Grand final game, 2nd overall
Junior B - 3rd place
Junior C - 3rd place
Inter A - Grand final game, came 2nd overall
Inter B - 4th place
Sen A - 1st!! MVP to Audrey Tuipala (well done Audrey)
Senior B - Grand final game, came 2nd overall
Well done to all the students involved in the day!
Miss Roberts
Sports Leader
Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools Deputy Principal Association Conference (VCSSDPA) - 2nd September
Last week the annual Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools Deputy Principal Association Conference (VCSSDPA) occurred.
The theme for this year was "Leading Forward in the New Educational Landscape". In this post-covid, AI, Mental Health focussed time, we were Welcomed to Country by Andrew Peters, Associate Professor and Indigenous educator, who also discussed Learning and Teaching with a First Nation's Focus.
Dr Jodie Richardson spoke of "Boosting Deputy Principal Mental Health and Wellbeing" and "Empowering Anxious Kids and Teens in the Classroom and Beyond." Dr Paul Kidson, who has been involved in many research projects, engaged us with his discussions surrounding "Ethics and AI" and the need to negate some of the myths within the AI debate. He also spoke of "Faith Leadership".
Dr Ben Hamer is one of the leading voices in the future of work. He is a media commentator, podcast host and the author of The Kickass Career. His humorous presentation involved a discussion of AI being a tool and inquiry-based instruction/teaching. He certainly posed some interesting points for future conversations in our schools.
John Finn has held the position of Principal with St Bede's College and Whitefriars College. He was also Principal Consultant for Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). Currently, he is a consultant with MACS, where he is a Leadership Ambassador. In his engaging presentation, John spoke of "Managing Difficult Conversations" and ensuring that facts are key. He spoke of what crucial conversations entail and made thought-provoking comments and analogies.
The final panel discussion included Paul Kidson, John Finn and Nicole Mangelsdorf (Principal Kilbreda).
The opportunity to attend these Conferences is invaluable as school leaders. Not only are we speaking with our colleagues in similar roles in other schools, we are reinforcing connections across Catholic Schools. Given the difficulties we tend to have in getting away from school to do professional development, these planned events are truly invaluable.
Loreto Cannon AP: Engagement, Operations and Community
Faye Jamieson AP: Staff
Emma Neville AP: Students 7-9
Steve McPhail AP: Learning and Teaching
Peter O'Neill AP: Faith and Mission
Samantha Powell AP: Students 10-12
Year 11 Sport and Recreation Incursion - 6th September
Today our students enjoyed the unique experience of learning to play Goalball - a sport for the visually impaired.
Students have been studying a unit of work looking at inclusion in the Sports and Recreation community.
The incursion was facilitated by ExSight Sports instructor Daniel Pritchard, who represents Victoria and Australia in Goalball and Blind Cricket and recently returned from England where he competed in the men's qualifying competition for the Paris 2024 Summer Paralympic Games.
The students were able to experience a game of goal ball using blacked-out goggles and learned the skills required to play.
Ms Sadler
Physical Education Teacher