Visual Arts and Sustainability

'Seeing the world through a different lens.'

News from Mrs Heggen

Our talented Junior school students made abstract art in the style of Kandinsky to show what different sounds looked like.  Very creative thinking indeed! 


Our super creative year 1/2 students made these amazing art works which represent the sounds they heard in classical music.  These abstract masterpieces were made by Daisy, Izzy, Stella and Ethan.


Being a sustainably focussed school we are having a focus each month which will help our environment. Our Fighting Extinction program encourages students and families to learn about environmental issues but to also take action to create hope, change, and a brighter future


September is about the We Are Calling You campaign by Melbourne Zoo.  Recycling of old phones and ipads reduces the need for mining for minerals near gorilla habitat.  

The money raised from donated devices pays for a vet service to work in the gorilla habitat where they can treat injured gorillas and immunise them against diseases brought to their forest by humans.



We are collecting unwanted towels during the month of August for vets and wildlife carers. Soon it will be Spring and premium time for young animals to be lost or injured as they venture out in the world.

Please place your towels in the container outside the office. 




Amanda Heggen

Visual Arts & Sustainability Leader