Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


How good was our School Sports Day last Friday and what a perfect Melbourne winter's day it was! A shout out to Mr Koole for all your organisation in making our day successful. I also wish to acknowledge our volunteers and the students from Padua who assisted us. Our students also showed tremendous sportsmanship. Congratulations to Nepean for being crowned the champions! 



Master Planning

In the first newsletter of Term 3, I informed the community that we were interviewing architects to determine the best fit company to design our school master plan.  A masterplan is a high-level planning document that outlines how a school's infrastructure can support its educational vision. I am pleased to announce that Whisker Architecture has been the successful candidate. This week we held a student and staff workshop with the architects and next week the firm will present to our School Advisory Council.


Medical Management Updates

Thank you to the families who are working promptly with us to ensure we have the mandated forms for you child/ren for any medical conditions, this also includes having all medication kept in its orginal packaging. As stated previously, we are under the governance of Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools and are required to follow the expected guidelines of the Medical Management Policy. 


Parents and Friends Association

A big, big shout out to Lisa Farrelly and the PFA for all the volunteer work they do to support the school in being able to run and host events. At the moment, we have lots happening in the school and if you can help in anyway I know the PFA would really appreciate it. There is a sign up sheet outside the office or you can email Lisa directly


Social Media

Our social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram are our way of showcasing what is happening in the school on a regular basis (most weekdays) with photos and reels. If you aren't already following us, I highly recommend you do:

  • Facebook - Our Lady of Fatima School Rosebud
  • Instagram - fatimarosebud

Make sure you read all the other pages of our newsletter for reports and happenings!


Go well,


Sarah McDermott
