Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

Specialist Spectacular

Your eldest child has been given raffle tickets to sell for out Specialist Bonanza. They are $1 per ticket and there are 10 in a book. Please return these to your child's classroom teacher (sold or unsold) by Monday 28th August. We have some amazing prizes up for grabs! If you require more raffle tickets there are some at the office. 

Geraldine (Crossing lady)

A big thank you for Geraldine for all her amazing work throughout the years! Thursday was her last day, as she is moving onto concentrating on another role. As a thank you, our school will be holding a special presentation at 3.25pm today on the basketball court. Teachers will assemble students on the basketaball court (with their bags) at 3.20pm, and our school leaders will present Geraldine with a 'thank you' present. Students will be dismissed from the basketball court. Parents etc. are most welcome to join in!

Toy Drive

As part of our Specialists Spectacular, we are holding a second-hand toy sale. If you have any toys/games at home that your kids have outgrown, no longer want. Please donate to the school toy drive by Friday 25th August. We can only accept items that are in very good, CLEAN condition. There will be a donation box in the office.

Uniform Update

Our uniform policy has again been passed by school council. Most students are doing a great job wearing their uniforms- Thank you to parents for your continued support. It would be appreciated if you could reinforce with your child the need to wear school colours only - the latest "fad" is to wear black jumpers or polos under the red T-shirt and no school jumper. If you need addition warmth please wear a school coloured top under your T-shirt or preferably a school jumper. No coloured T-shirts or polos that are not the school colours should be visible.


Grades 2024

We have been involved in forward planning for the next 3 years. Due to the numbers in the senior grades we are able to have 4 grades in the upper area of the school - 2 grade 5’s and 2 grade 6’s in the coming years. In the past few years these levels have been combined. Both plans have pros and cons. I am happy to hear from parents as to their thoughts on this issue.


Leaving Early

Just a reminder to parents that if you are collecting your child early from school we need a written note lodged at the office by 9am on the day. We then distribute the list to the class teachers so we are not continually interupting learning time with announcements.