
Positive Behaviours for Learning
At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:
Responsibility and
Here are some of our lucky PBL winners from last Friday’s raffle who have been demonstrating our school expected behaviours!
Student Representative Council
The SRC has been working hard to make some positive changes in the school this term. We have had 1 of 3 mini junior basketball/netball tournaments. We will have 1 more this term for 1 learning space and 1 at the start of term 4. We continued to run some special junior netball and basketball clinics.
A big thanks to Madison and Layla in Year 6 who ran the netball clinic on Tuesday with me. The juniors had lots of fun! Next week the SRC will be helping with the importance message of R U OK day. They are doing an amazing job in the meetings each week sharing their ideas of how to make SFS a better place for everyone!
Here are some photos of the junior children who participated in the netball junior clinic at lunchtime on Tuesday.
This week we celebrated National Child Protection week.
In 2024, the National Child Protection Week message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme ‘Every conversation matters’.
Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well.
The teachers will do an activity with the students during next week that focuses on this important message. The students learnt about how to have important conversations when they are feeling unsafe, who are the people in their network they can go to help if they are feeling unsafe at school and what are some of the ways they can stay safe at school.
R U OK day
Thursday 12th September is R U OK day. This is an important day to remind everyone to stay connected and make asking, ‘are you OK?’ a part of our everyday. That way if someone we know is struggling with something big or small they’ll know we care. When we genuinely ask, ‘are you OK?’ and are prepared to talk to them about how they’re feeling and what’s going on in their life we can help someone who might be struggling feel connected and supported, long before they’re in crisis. You don’t need to be an expert to ask someone, ‘are you OK?’. Try and make time for regular chats about life’s ups and downs so you can build trust. That way when someone is struggling they’ll know you care and will feel comfortable opening up to you.
If you need immediate crisis or emotional support you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 .
To celebrate R U OK day, the SRC would like everyone to come to school wearing a “touch of yellow” on Thursday 12th September to promote positive mental health. Students are required to wear their school uniform but can wear a yellow accessory to school. This could be a hair tie, headband, bandanna, wrist band, socks, cap, scrunchie.
The SRC reps will also be wearing their own flouro R U OK vests at lunch times next week so that if students are upset at lunchtime, the SRC will approach them to check if they are okay or students can approach them for help. The SRC reps will encourage action by trying to come up with a solution together for smaller problems but getting the help of a teacher for bigger problems.
If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au
I will be available to speak with parents on the afternoon/evening of Parent teacher interviews on Thursday 19th September from 2pm until 7pm. You can use the school interview link to book in a time to speak to me about any concerns that you may have the mental health and wellbeing of your child or if you would like to know more about services and supports at school or the local community.
Rachel Lenko
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader