From the Principal

You are invited.....
To our school on Monday 9 September at 8:50.
Meet us in the hall to celebrate the conclusion of our SFS Olympics.
Join us for the announcement of the GOLD medal trophy, a special performance by our
School Choir and in fact entertainment by all our students.
In addition to celebrations and the acknowledgment of extraordinary achievements.....
There will be a Special Presentation to our
Class of 2024!!!!
Reading is MAGIC!! - BOOK WEEK 2024
Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Get on with the SHOW
On Monday the 2nd we woke to howling winds, fallen trees and in Lynbrook lights were well and truly off for the day!! However as they say in show business... Let's get on with the show!! We certainly did. It was sensational arriving at school to the colourful and creative costumes that greeted us. Everyone went out of their way to get into character from their favorite book. It was one of our BEST Book Week parades. Many of our staff and students collaborated and came in costumes from the same book. A huge thank you to parents for your creativity. These are days we remember. We had a performance from Perform Education and they were amazing and seamlessly adapted to presenting a show that everyone enjoyed despite making it happen without power. The children enjoyed a variety of activities round the children's books of the year. It was a great day at St Francis de Sales. Special thanks to Joanna for her passion for Literacy and for all her wonderful coordination of this event. Thanks to the combined efforts of staff and parents for the contributions big and small that added joy to our children's day.
It is true, the more you read the more you know!
So read, read, READ!!
Deepest Condolences
Our school community was deeply saddened to learn of the sudden and unexpected death of Michael Levy the father of Gabriel (Gr 6 in TP), Boyd (Gr 4 in RE) and Lesina (Gr 2 in ND) and little baby Sarah. Our deepest condolences to Tifiga, the children and the extended family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. RIP Michael.
Funeral details will be shared with the community once announced.
Enter to WIN a $100 Village or Hoyts Movie Gift Card!! MACSSIS 2024 survey invitation has been emailed to all our families this week. Your feedback is valuable to our school improvement plans.
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024.
When you complete the survey screen shot the last page that says completed and email it to or print and sent it via your child.
Entries for the raffle close on Friday 24 September at 11am.
The winner will be drawn before school closes for the September school holidays. MACSSIS 2024
This data tells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment. We encourage our families to participate in this confidential feedback. As a school we evaluate and adjust and change our plans informed by data we gather. MACSSIS data is a key source on information that informs our school improvement and our 2025 Annual Action plans.
On Saturday 7 September students of St Francis de Sales and the parish will be Confirmed by Bishop Tony Ireland at St Kevin's Church, Hampton Park at 12pm. We pray for these children as they accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God's Blessings on each candidate, their sponsors and family.
Parent Teacher Interviews - BOOK NOW!
Have a great weekend.
Christine White