Wellbeing Awards

Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly

Friday, 30th of August @ 2.45pm



Oskar F - FJR For completing 200 nights of reading at home, what an effort!


Gigi F - FMH For her newfound confidence in her spelling and writing abilities.


Mieke N - FAM For showing commitment and resilience as she worked so hard on her reading skills - keep it up Mieke!


Finn B - FMK For his amazing commitment to his learning and always putting in his best effort. Well done Finn!


Kaia Z - FJC For continuing to challenge yourself in the learning. What a superstar!


Sonny H - 1LP For displaying confidence and critical thinking when working in small groups with the teacher. Well done Sonny, what a superstar you are!


Bass J- 1AW For your hard work and persistence every day. You never give up and come ready to learn and take on new challenges every day. Well done Bass!


Maple S - 1GL For always being kind to others and helping around the classroom. 


Paddy A -1JE You have been soaring in Maths with your outstanding effort, incredible progress, and fantastic collaboration with your classmates. What a mathematician you are!


Marie D - 2AG For great resilience and creativity 


Liam H - 2JM For always trying his best in every lesson


Leo M- 2MS For always showing kindness to everyone and putting in a huge effort to finish his ‘information report’ on monkeys.


Banjo B - 2JE For being enthusiastic and always trying his best. Well done Banjo!


Alfie A - 3NK For always striving to complete tasks, applying feedback and for trying his best at swimming. Much deserved!!! 


Peyton H - 3PC For continuously displaying a calm and kind demeanour and approaching each learning task with positivity. 


Anthea N - 3MP For her commitment to her learning and having a growth mindset.


Bonnie M - 4RB For always showing such a positive attitude towards learning new and challenging things  


Ava R - 4SE In recognition of her industrious, committed and positive attitude to school life. She is an outstanding role model to her peers.


Charlie R - 4JH For his kind personality and caring nature towards his friends and peers.


Maeve BL - 5CC For working hard in class and putting in extra effort in her Geography project. Awesome!


Herbie C - 5FA For always being super helpful and organised. Well done Herbie!


Jyde S - 5SB For responsible decision making.


AJ M- 5CM For showing passion in our geography lessons & working really well on his project.