Wednesday 18 September


On Wednesday 18 September we will be having a Favourite Sport Team Dress Day. On this day, students can come to school wearing colours from their local or favourite sporting team for a gold coin donation. All money raised on the day will be used to purchase additional outdoor games. We ask that all attire worn be appropriate for a school setting. 


The canteen has offered to supply a special lunch menu to students, as the school has already run a special food day this term. Please find attached information from the canteen regarding how to place an order for this special lunch. 


Please note that as this lunch is being provided by the canteen all orders must be placed via the attached order form and sent directly to the school. A copy of this order form has been sent home with your child. 


All orders must be received by Thursday 12 September. The canteen will not accept any orders after this day.


There will be no other lunch orders available on this day, however the canteen will be available at recess and lunch for over-the-counter sales. Students will also be able to enjoy a student versus teacher Hot Shot Tennis Competition on the day during lunchtime and we look forward to seeing all students in their favourite sporting team colours!