
Value of the Term - Responsibility

Leesa Ross- Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader R.P.S

 If you would like to chat, have concerns about your child/ren or would like some support for yourself or family, do not hesitate to contact me at school via phone or email – leesa.ross@education.vic.gov.au  




Say No to Bullying Poster Competition

A huge well done to all the entries in this Poster Competition with over 50 entries! The variety of designs and strong Anti-Bullying messages were fantastic. Winners will be announced next week at Assembly. Check out just some of the great Poster designs below. 




Triple P -Positive Parent Program-Free Online Parenting Courses

Delivery of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® to parents and carers of children in Australia is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care under the Parenting Education and Support Program.

For a wide range of courses such as – Bedtime routines, Anger, Fears and anxiety, Kids using technology, Parenting stress, Meltdowns, visit   



Respectful Relationship Program

This term across the school our students are learning about the following topics, through a wide range of learning activities- 

  • Stress Management - Stress is a normal part of life, especially as children get older. Children who cope better with life’s stressors develop good mental health and wellbeing. Assisting students to recognise their personal signs and symptoms of stress and to develop strategies that will help them to deal with those effectively, will help them cope with challenges in the future.


  • Help Seeking- Children can experience all kinds of challenges as they grow and develop. The help-seeking behaviours of children are fundamental to their mental health and wellbeing. Encouraging and fostering help-seeking behaviours is one way to improve mental health and wellbeing. It is important to work with students to make sure they are aware about help-seeking avenues and are confident to seek help from an appropriate source when needed.