Careers News

Ms Kathy Miller

Careers News

Ms Kath Miller

Term 3 has hit us with a bang. So much happening at JFC. Congratulations to all Year 10’s for completing Work Experience last Term. The feedback from Employers was so impressive. Well done to you all. You have done yourself proud and JFC. If you would like to complete work experience in another field, please come and see me.

All students completing VETs in Year 11 and 12 are progressing well. Keep up the great work. Your attendance is very important to your success in completing all units of competencies. 

VCE Vocational Major

Year 10 students are busy choosing their pathways for Senior School. It’s very important that if you are wanting to complete a VET and you haven’t met with me do so as a priority. A job well done to our VCE VM Students who assisted with the organising and delivery of the VM Workshop for 2025. 

Written by Issa Sobh and Amar Omar from Year 12 VCE VM

2024 Reconciliation Garden Project

As part of Personal Development Skills and Work-Related Skills the students in Year 12 VCE VM Class demolished the garden bed at the main entrance to the College. Indigenous plants have been donated by the Merri Bek Council. The class are now in the process of completing the new garden as part of the Narragunnawali Reconciliation Project. Make sure you check it out as you walk into the school grounds.

Joanne from Head Start is at JFC once a week. So, if you are interested in a traineeship or school-based apprenticeship please come and see me in the Career Hub. Congratulations to Damon Stopa and Jalal Soueid in Year 11 VCE VM who have commenced School Based Apprenticeships.

Year 12 pathway meetings are well under way. Exciting times for them as they start their next journeys in life.

Upcoming events:

Trade and Tech Expo for Year 9-12 girls.            

VET Discovery 

VET Workshop’s                                                                 

Annual Career Expo at JFC                       

Interactive headset sessions                                  

Year 10 2024 VCE VM Interviews for 2025    

Year 12 Pathway meetings  

Year 10/11 Pathway meetings 


Kathy Miller