VM garden

Mr Steven Stanecki

John Fawkner College's foundation Year 12 VCE-VM students have established a garden of local plants at the bar of our the national flags. The students sourced planned, prepared and planted the garden over a number of months with seedlings generously donated by Charlotte Napper at Merri-bek Council. Temporary fencing will soon be installed thanks to a small grant from Bank First.


The garden connects JFC to the Bababi Djinanang grasslands at the end of Jukes Rd, and is already being used as a living educational resource to study indigenous plants. The gardens prominent position beneath the flags serves as a symbol of the College's ongoing commitment to Reconciliation.


Steven Stanecki

VM teacher

Art & Design Teacher

John Fawkner College 


Year 7 students finding out about the new garden
Year 7 students finding out about the new garden
VM students building the garden
VM students building the garden