Catherine Bijker
Catherine Bijker
Dear Parents and Friends,
Wellbeing Update:
Buongiorno tutti! Stai bene oggi? (Are you ok?)
Next week is R U OK Week which hopes to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.
You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
Ask R U OK?
Encourage Action
Students will be covering R U Ok Week in the classroom, and as a whole school, we will be Wearing Yellow on Friday with a gold coin donation to the R U Ok Foundation.
It doesn't have to be a lot- a pair of socks, a scrunchie, whatever you already have at home.
See the flyer below.
Take care of yourself and one another.
Catherine Bijker