From Mrs Scott's Desk

Friday 16th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We welcome the rain we had during the week for our farmland and gardens. The warmer, sunny days have been lovely and a reminder that Spring is not too far away. The students and teachers have been very busy with lots of exciting teaching and learning taking place. It’s been so impressive to witness students' growth in all their learning to date and I have enjoyed students sharing their work with me each day.

This week we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, whereby Mary departed from her life on earth and was assumed by God into heaven body and soul. This feast day is celebrated on the 15th August every year. 


Our whole school observed this Holy Day of Obligation by attending the Parish Mass at 12pm yesterday which was celebrated by Fr Paul Hart, in the absence of Fr Paddy. 


A big thank you to Fr Paul, Mrs Salmon, Mr Pratt, the students who had a special role in the mass and all the families who attended this special celebration.

Welcome Jacqueline Timms

On Monday we welcomed Miss Jacqueline Timms to our school as a CSU Practicum student. Miss Timms will be working in Year 4 with Mrs Makeham and Mrs Dowell for 3 weeks. It’s always extra special when we welcome back student teachers who attended St Joseph's in their primary school years. We hope Miss Timms enjoys her practicum at St Joseph's and we wish her all the best as she comes to the end of her studies.

Book Week

Next week we celebrate National Book Week and the theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. We are very excited to be part of a new community initiative for Book Week whereby next Thursday 22nd August at 10am we will join the other schools in a town Book Week parade at Railway Square.


The students will come to school dressed in a costume which reflects a book character and in the event of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Junee Recreation Centre. Railway Square will be sectioned off to traffic and parents/families are welcome to come and support the Community Book Parade. I’d like to thank the Junee Shire for hosting this event.

School Advisory Council Meeting

This will be held next Tuesday 20th August commencing at 6pm at the school. 


Last term we farewelled Mr Alex Kearins from the School Council and this term we will welcome Mrs Sally Armstrong, who will join us as a new Council Member. 

SJJU Social and Fundraising Committee

Two events that the Social and Fundraising Committee have organised are the Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 30th August from 8-9am in the MPC and the Colour Fun Run on Friday 27th September (last day of school). 


There will be bacon and egg rolls available for families to purchase through QKR as well as drinks for the Father’s Day Breakfast. It will be a wonderful opportunity for children to bring their dads, grandads or another significant male in their lives along to this celebration. A big thank you in advance to the Year 5 parents who are hosting this event.


The Colour Fun Run is a new initiative hosted by our Year 1 parents this year. There is more information coming out regarding this event but please save the date for a colourful, fun afternoon. It will be a great way to finish Term 3 at our school.


Our next Social and Fundraising Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28th August commencing 6pm at Merv’s Cafe. All are very welcome to attend and you can bring your children along too. 

School Fees

St Joseph’s continues to offer an affordable, quality Catholic education to its families. We understand that at times there may be financial hardship which puts strain on the costs families incur such as school fees. I sincerely encourage anyone who is experiencing financial difficulty to come and have a confidential chat with me. There are different options available for us to discuss and we want to help ease the burden.


It’s so wonderful to see the way the children are embracing wearing their hats this term.


I would like to apologise for the incorrect statement made on Prime7 about our policy. It was stated our policy is ‘No hat, no play’ but it is ‘No hat, play in the shade’. We do not stop children from playing if they don’t have a hat, they just have to play in the shade.

Students Late for School

It is school and system policy that all students who are late to school must be signed in by a parent or adult at the front office. The students are not to sign themselves in. 


God Bless,

Angela Scott

Australian Primary Principal Day

Last week, we celebrated Australian Primary Principal Day!


We are very lucky to have our incredible Principal, Angela Scott who arrives every day with a kit-bag filled with compassion, respect and commitment which she distributes liberally into every aspect of our school.


Thank you Angela for everything you do!


From the Staff, Students, Parents & Community