Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Miss Stella Baker Campbell and 

Mrs Amanda Johnson and Mrs Kaila Gugliemino

CERES Excursion

On Tuesday the 27th of August, the Grade 2s went to CERES environmental park. We had lots of fun learning about Indigenous perspectives which is related to our Discovery learning this term. Here is what some students had to say about the day. 



  • I really enjoyed eating the salt bush. -Percival, 2A
  • I really liked walking down along Merri Creek playing eye spy. -Oliver I, 2A
  • I liked doing the Judalick play where we all dressed up as animals. I dressed up as a possum. -Khadijah R 2A


  • I really enjoyed smelling the lemon balm plant. I was supirsed how it smelled very strong like lemon. -Luka 2B
  • I enjoyed playing on their really cool playground and trying all the native plants that we could eat. - Max 2B
  • I liked that we got to touch the Marn Grook ball with the possum skin. It was surprisingly soft. I also enjoyed playing Marn Grook. (Marn Grook is an Aboriginal game that AFL is based on). -Archer 2B. 


  • I really enjoyed acting out Judalick the play and playing in the big playground. Rosie 2C
  • I enjoyed touching the possum skin on the Marn Grook ball and playing on the big playground. Mohamad 2C
  • My favourite part was eating the leaves off the native plants. I liked the mint bush the best. Quin 2C


We all had lots of fun on our dress up day! It was great to see the effort families went to by creating some fantastic book week costumes. Head to the Book Week section to see some more pictures. Here is a rare photo of the teachers having some fun in their dress ups. 

Teachers dressed as the emotions from Inside Out
Teachers dressed as the emotions from Inside Out