Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham & Mrs Sarah Castellas

Welcome to the Grade 1 area! Recently the students have been learning about a range of concepts in Reading, Writing and Maths. They celebrated Book Week recently with the theme 'Reading is Magic' and participated in lots of activities centered around Australian Children's literature. 




Students did a book study exploring the Australian children's classic 'Possum Magic.' They did responsed to the book through tasks and partnered reading, focusing on their personal reading goals and supporting each other in their reading.






Students wrote about the characters from 'Possum Magic:' Hush and Grandma Poss. They explored the use of adjectives in texts and had a go at using adjectives in their own writing.




Students have been exploring the concept of 'sharing.' They used materials to share amounts in different ways and explored sharing through real life experiences and drawing their working out.