Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef , Mrs Kate Warburton (ES) and Mrs Josie Stocchero

Prep News! 

There has been so much happening at PVNPS since the last newsletter. We are always so busy in the Prep Area and we love sharing whats happening in our grades. We have had Book Week, Father's Day (Special Person) Afternoon, two firefighter visits and then all the hard work that we continue to do in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths.  Father's Day and Firefighter photos will be shared in the next newsletter. 

📣 Reminders! 📣

  • P-2 Swimming - First deposit must be paid by today. You can find this on compass under 'events'. Students who have not paid have also been given a paper permission note. 
  • Library Books - we have a lot of overdue library books across the school that have not been returned. Students with overdue books can not borrow. Please ensure these are returned in your child's next library session or paid for if misplaced. 
  • Brain Food - students are encouraged to bring fruit or vegetables to eat throughout the day (outside of recess and lunch times). There is additional time throughout the day where students can eat these snacks. 
  • Home Readers - we have noticed a decrease in students returning their home readers. Please ensure these are being returned to school each Monday for a change of books. As students progress in reading assessments they will be given books with a bit more of a challenge. 
  • High Frequency Words - students should be learning their HFW words and being tested by their teacher each week. Students will receive new words once they get all of the words correct. 


On Friday 30th of August, PVNPS celebrated a belated Book Week with a parade. We spent the week exploring books that were shortlisted by the Children's Book Council of Australia as well texts that were enjoyed and celebrated by students in the grades.


The Preps were so excited to take part in the parade and enjoyed watching all of the other students show off their costumes during the parade. 

🌟 Prep A Costume and Parade Photos🌟


✨ Prep B Costume and Parade Photos✨


Farewell to Max! 

Prep A was fortunate to have another student join us this term for 7 weeks. Max was visiting from China. In this time, Max made many friends in our grade and loved sharing about his life back home. Max left us on Friday last week and organised to give our class a little gift to remember him by. Panda stickers and a panda pen. 


In Writing, we have been working really hard to retell stories in our own words. We have listened to a story, shared the story in our own words to a partner, read the story again and then looked at the pictures before rewriting the story. 


Students have done an excellent job at retelling the story using the main information and key events to rewrite a story. 




In Reading, Prep students have been learning about the advance decoding strategies such as skipping the word and flipping the vowel sound in a word. We have been using mentor texts from Pamela Allen to develop our ability to answer literal questions and make inferences about how a character is feeling. 


We have been working on developing reading goals in collaboration with students and ensuring that these are known and visually displayed. Students have been enjoying working towards their goals