Grades for 2025!


Can you please email the school to tell us if you are planning on leaving the school at the end of the year. 

We have started the process of making classes for 2025 and this information is important. Students will be asked early next term their friendship lists and this information will play a huge part in helping us put students with their friends.



PARENT INFORMATION for Grade Placements


Please send the school an email if you have any requests for grade placement for your child/ren. This is information is around who to place your child with and whom you would prefer them not to be and if you do not wish them to be in the same class as their cousines or other close friends or relatives.


Teacher requests are not part of this process.


Prep Enrolment

We have started our Prep Transition program last Tuesday and have 2 more Tuesdays to go for this term. ( Tuesday 10th and 17th 9.30am-10.30am).

If you have not yet enrolled a sibling into the Prep year for 2025, please do this as soon as possible and so that they can attend Prep Transition.