Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Oh What Fun ...we all have!

100 + 1 days of school for the Preps was a fun day for our office team as well. 


Attending school regularly and being engaged and motivated to learn is what we focus on at PV NPS. At PVNPS, your child's social and emotional wellbeing is just as important as their academic learning. We believe that children need to have resilience, along with our GEMs - Gratitude/Empathy and Mindfulness. Therefore our Wellbeing Programs cater for the further development and understandings of these attributes. 


It is important for you as parents to also develop your child's attributes and build their resilience and understandings of their different feelings at different times. I cannot strongly enough share with you my belief that we must reinforce to our children the understanding that sometimes we will be sad or unhappy, because things didn’t quite turn out the way we had hoped! This is all part of life long learning. 

Therefore, at PVNPS, we do plan our programs for high motivation and engagement...but not always for 'FUN'. This word 'fun' should be when students are outdoors in their playgrounds having 'fun' with their friends, but in the classrooms they should be challenged and have a sense of enjoyment in learning.



Our Curriculum Day, today, was based around 'Universal Designs for Learning'. This is to further develop our understandings around ensuring that our classrooms are catering for all our learners. Today we discussed various elements that we must anticipate and plan for to ensure successes of students. 

These elements are: active supervision, opportunities to respond, activity choice and sequence and task difficulty.  Thank you to Ms McAlister and Dimi for organising the day of learning and to our fabulous staff for continuing to be open to learning. 

As my quote on my wall says:

' Learning is a journey, not a destination!'