Junior School Council & Engagement 

 Miss Brittany Ansons & Dimi



House Captains will be running another House event on Wednesday, 18th September – students are invited to wear their House Colours and join in the fun activities that our student leaders have organised for the day, whilst earning House Points for their team.


JSC Leaders have organiser we are raising money for the Fighting Cancer Foundation throughout the final week of school.



Students also have the opportunity to participate in a "Design Your Own Guernsey" competition. Entries for this competition must be submitted by Monday, 16th September. Unfortunately, late entries cannot be accepted.



Throughout the week, there will be a Handball competition, $1 for 3 shots, scheduled as follows:

  • Preps: Monday lunchtime
  • Grade 1/2: Tuesday lunchtime
  • Grade 3/4: Wednesday lunchtime
  • Grade 5/6: Thursday lunchtime




On Friday 20 September, the last day of school, students are encouraged to wear their footy colours for a gold coin donation to support the fight against cancer. 



On Friday, we will also be holding a sausage sizzle to raise funds for new school equipment, with items chosen by students during a Junior School Council (JSC) meeting. Sausages must be pre-ordered online by Thursday, 12th September.