
Miss Brittany Ansons, Miss Holly McGowan, Mr Zdravko Rajic, Mrs Rowena Lytton,

Antoinette El Bazouni, Amanda Douvos, Helen Bisiach & Ester Moretti.

In the 5/6 Area 

The 5/6 area has been extremely busy this fortnight. We have completed our EveryBODY lessons which covered the changes students' bodies will undergo as well as cyber safety. Students have a deeper understanding of what is appropriate to share online and that once something is shared it can then be passed on by everyone else that has seen it.



In Reading we have been discussing issues faced by Indigenous football player Adam Goodes and the different perspectives shown by the media. We looked critically at the issue of how Adam was treated, how he faced the reaction of the public and allowed students to respectfully voice their opinions based on the evidence they were presented with.





In Writing, students have been planning, drafting and beginning to publish fantasy fiction short stories. We look forward to sharing these with you when they are complete.




The 5/6s have been working very hard gaining a deeper understanding of fractions. We have learned to order fractions on a number line, convert and simplify and add and subtract fractions. There have been a lot of hands on activities helping to consolidate our new skills and understandings.



We have been trialling a new approach to how we teach our Discovery sessions this term. Students have been learning how to develop questions related to their chosen topic, research so that their questions are answered sufficiently and create an assessment rubric to ensure all students understand and agree on the expectations for their presentation. We are very excited to invite our parents in to see our hard work on the Discovery Open Afternoon next Thursday the 12th September.


Book Week in 5/6

Our 5/6 students put in an amazing effort for Book Week! 

Here is a glimpse of our Book Week fun.