Fun Times in Foundation

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Foundation and we wanted to share some of our fun with you.
Baby Chicks
For the past two weeks we have had baby chicks in our learning space. They arrived in our classroom as eggs and we watched them hatch into beautiful baby chicks. The Foundation students named each of the chicks that arrived. Buttercup, Sunny, Midnight, Peanut, Feathers, Cupcake, Wildstar and Tumble were some of our favourites!
The students loved having the chicks and it built part of the Inquiry learning. We have been learning about life cycles so, watching the chicks hatch and then visiting our SKiPPS chooks, we were able to understand the cycle better.
AFL Footy Clinics
AFL clinics started last week and all students participated in an initial clinic. Here are some photos of the first clinic. Our amazing parent community has continued to give and Matt Maguire and his cousin Tom Couch have volunteered to continue running some AFL skills sessions and are coming in each Tuesday morning to run sessions with classes from Foundation to 3/4.
Animal Land
To build on our learning of How do animals grow and change? , the Foundation classes have very excitedly ventured out of school for the day to visit Animal Land in Diggers Rest.
This is a highlight on the calendar and the students have been counting down the days. Milking cows and then using the milk to make their own butter which they put on a cracker was a highlight along with the pony and tractor rides.
100 days of School
Since Day 1 of school, the classes have been recording on their class 'tens frames' how many days they have been coming to school. Last week was a cause for true celebration as we hit the '100' mark. We celebrated in many ways but perhaps the highlight was dressing up. The students were asked to dress up as either a 100 year old person or to represent 100 on their costume. Here are some of the costumes.
We also enjoyed entertaining the school community with our version of the Beatles song, 'When I'm (64) 100'. Our day involved learning that a good way to count to 100 is counting by 10s and we spent the afternoon with a variety of rotations that the students could choose. Some of those involved making a 100 days of school crown, threading 100 'cheerio' beads onto a string, building creations with 100 cups and 100 blocks and making a biscuit with 100 on top.
Arts Centre and NGV Excursion
Thanks to a very generous donation from a SKiPPS family, the Foundation students were fortunate enough to visit both the Arts Centre for a Movement workshop and the NGV for a Wellbeing session. This was a fabulous day out and the students loved their cultural experience. A highlight from many was looking up at the coloured stained glass ceiling. It never disappoints!