Grade 1

Explore the Learning in Grade 1


This term students in Year One have been learning a variety of reading comprehension strategies to help them obtain meaning from the texts that they read. In Writing, students have learnt about the features of narratives, recounts and information texts. They have then developed their own pieces using this knowledge.



Over the last 4 weeks students have explored telling the time with analogue and digital clocks. Students have also worked on their number fluency with skip counting. Students have delved into fractions to build their understanding of what a fraction is, identifying parts of a group/collection as a fraction and creating fractions. Students have also worked on recognising and interpreting common uses of halves, quarts and eighths of shapes and collections. 



As part of our investigations and learning about our term 3 Inquiry Topic 'What Would Happen If We Didn't Have Bees (And Other Important Creatures In Our Garden)?' we were fortunate to be able to offer two incursions to further enhance the student's learning.  We started off the term with a visit from Ecolinc who helped us learn about 'Investigating Minibeast Parts' which was a very 'hands on' experience with the live and preserved minibeasts that they brought for us to investigate.  Later in the term we had a visit from 'Holly's Backyard Bees' who taught us about keeping and attracting bees and we all got to make our own insect hotel.