Wellbeing Education

The Zones of Regulation

Every class has been learning about the Zones of Regulation during our focused wellbeing time.

We would like our families to continue the conversation about the Zones at home.

Main messages/learning so far:

  • We can categorise/sort our feelings and emotions into four zones.
  • We can move between the Zones throughout a day.
  • Talking about our feelings helps us to regulate.
  • It's okay to be in any of the zones, but we need to ensure that we regulate so that our feelings have a positive impact on our own wellbeing, as well as the other people around us.

Throughout a day, take note of how your feelings and emotions change. Every now and then, model it for your child. For example, "I'm in the yellow zone right now. I'm really annoyed at you because you haven't emptied the dishwasher and it's your turn. Can you help me get back into green zone please? What are you going to do?". Or "Watching the footy helps me relax and be in the green zone. How do you relax? Everyone needs time to relax. It keeps us healthy. You can help me stay in the green zone by playing quietly and letting me watch the footy in peace". 

Sound like familiar situations? As adults, we need to model this for our kids, because some of them need to be taught. It is perfectly okay as a parent to describe your emotions and the impact they have on your wellbeing. Name the feeling, describe how it makes you feel, talk about strategies to regulate. It is so powerful for our kids to see and hear us managing our wellbeing.