Years 2 & 3

We have been busy in the Year 2-3 class over the past couple of weeks. In English we have been reviewing the use of capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns. Students have also learned to use the capital letter arrow key when typing on the iPad to insert capital letters in the middle of sentences and to turn on caps lock. These learnings (along with others relating to sentence construction) have been integrated in writing and typing tasks. Everyone has been very proud to show off their work!

We continue to work on our class text, Fantastic Mr Fox. We are learning lots of new vocabulary and literary devices. Students have engaged in some close reading to find examples of these in the text. 

Close reading of the text to find literary devices.
Close reading of the text to find literary devices.
Close reading of the text to find literary devices.
Close reading of the text to find literary devices.

In Maths we have continued to work with place value and students are demonstrating a growing understanding and fluency with these concepts. This week students have conducted investigations into even and odd numbers, developing understanding of the properties and patterns in these numbers via their engagement in these tasks.

Investigating odd and even numbers.
A maths investigation strategy.
Another maths investigation strategy
Investigating odd and even numbers.
A maths investigation strategy.
Another maths investigation strategy

In Wellbeing we continue to investigate the zones of regulation. We have commenced talking about the body signals that alert us to our feelings. Our wellbeing learned was integrated with maths when students collected data about how we might all feel differently in similar situations. They used this data to create bar graphs.

Collecting data by survey.
Collecting data by survey.

On Tuesday this week there was much excitement (and a few nerves) as students had a go at playing the drums with visiting drummer Sam. A class of true rock stars!