Years F & 1

It has been great having the foundation students here at school five days a week. We have been working hard on our sounds and you can see they are becoming more confident at reading and spelling words.
The students have been learning about the who and do in a sentence. They have become more confident with nouns and verbs. The students had a look at pictures in a book and they had to come up with a sentence that had a who and do.
We have been enjoying counting to 20 and loving the song and actions. The students were singing so loud we had a visit from Mrs Steele to say 'stop having so much with your learning'. We have been learning to read and make numbers and it has been wonderful watching their confidence grow with numbers.
In art the students got the chance to use watercolour pencils to create a a Monster Mash up picture. Students had to draw some lines which they created into a monster. The used to paint brush with water to then colour in the picture.