Notes from the Principal

Principal's Forum at Dunkeld
Wednesday week ago I attended the Principal's Forum at Dunkeld. Fiona and Sam came with me to present the school's Acknowledgement of Country to the group before the meeting. They did a fantastic job. They were both given a free t-shirt, lanyard and chocolate!
SGSSA Athletics in Hamilton
The Years 3-6 will head in Hamilton for the interschool sports on Tuesday 25th March. More information will be provided through our app closer to the date.
Somers Camp
All our Somers Camp attendees said they had a fantastic time. It was jammed packed full of activities which made them very tired by the end of the day. I bet your families were pleased to have you all home. Thank you to Miss Gray for accompanying our students and attending camp.
Sporting Schools - Term 2
We have applied for funding for Sporting Schools next Term. We are hoping to be able to arrange for our students to do gymnastics in town with the Hamilton Gymnastics Club. This has been a well enjoyed sport by our students in the past. More information will be sent out next Term.
Junior School Council
Apologies, we forgot to captain this photo in our first newsletter. Maddie, Rocco and Phillipa have been elected as our Junior School Council Representatives for 2025. Congratulations to you all. They will be guided by our School Captains Emma and Pippa.
Stadium update
The only outstanding item to be completed is some plumbing works with the fire protection area. We have an inspector coming next week to do an Compliance Audit. Fingers crossed all goes well so we can start getting the surface painted and lines put on.
Off-Site Evacuation Drill
As part of our OH&S we held a practice off-site emergency drill last Friday. The students were not warned of this event as we wanted it to be out of the blue. They all responded very calmly and exited the school as instructed.
Deakin University Student
From 17th March to 28th March we will have a Deakin University student doing placement with us. Her name is Mackenzie Mason and she is in her 3rd year of her Bachelor of Education. Please make Mackenzie feel welcome when you see her around the school.
Pancake morning
On Tuesday morning we made pancakes for the our students to use up the yummy strawberry jam that Anne McNaughton made using produce from our garden. It was lovely to have the kinder children join us. Thank you to Anne, Jodie, Marion and staff for helping cook and serve. The students loved it!!
COVID/Illness/Personal Hygiene
Unfortunately COVID has again reared its ugly head. We have members of our school community that have tested positive this week.
A gentle reminder to all - please encourage your child to practise good personal hygiene (cough into your elbow, keep your hands and fingers away from you nose and face, blow your nose into a tissue, put it in the bin and sanitise /wash your hands). We have sanitiser available at alll times in the classrooms.
If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school. Not only will the illness impact their learning, but it can impact other people in our community by spreading the illness.
Just a reminder that all our school Policies are on our school website. If you would like to look at any of our Policies you can click on this link
Have a good weekend.
Kate Steele