Literacy Helpers course

Tuesday March 11th,  2.20-3.20pm in the Staffroom. 


Are you interested in helping during reading groups in your child’s classroom? 


To help with reading groups in the Foundation and Year One classrooms, you are required to participate in a one hour training course and you must have a current Working with Children Check. This course explains the basics of reading and writing, and how both areas are highly dependent on oral language.


We will also look at types of activities and discuss the role and requirements of a parent helper.


Helping out in your child’s classroom is not a weekly commitment. The classroom teachers will send out a timetable where you can select the dates which suit. This can vary from fortnightly to once a term. 


Thank you to those people who have already registered. We would like to encourage any of the dads to attend as well as any grandparents.


The 2025 Literacy Helpers course will run next Tuesday March 11th,  2.20-3.20pm in the Staffroom. Please email Marnie Chapman to register your interest in attending.



Heggerty…a new initiative in Foundation


At St Cecilia’s, we recognise the importance of a strong knowledge of sounds as students are beginning to learn their letters and starting to write.


To support development of this important skill, all Foundation students now participate in a 10 minute daily drill to practice identifying sounds in words, segmenting words into their sounds, counting syllables in words and blending sounds to make words.


This evidence based program, which we trialled last year and have now implemented in both Foundation classes, was written by Australian speech therapists and teachers and is published by SPELD in South Australia.