Principal's Report

Dear St Cecilia's Community,


The Power of Partnership:  Thank You, Parents!

At St. Cecilia’s, we are incredibly fortunate to have a strong and engaged parent community. Your involvement in school life plays a vital role in enhancing our students’ learning experiences and fostering a sense of belonging. Already this year, we have seen fantastic parent participation in so many ways—whether it be attending excursions, cheering on students at Running Club, helping to flip pancakes on Pancake Monday, joining us for the Foundation/Buddy Mass and BBQ, attending assemblies, engaging in Meet and Greet sessions, participating in online seminars, or supporting our school through the Parents’ Association Meetings and as Parent Representatives. Your presence and contribution make a real difference!


Research shows that when parents and schools work together, student outcomes improve significantly. According to the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY), strong school-home partnerships contribute to higher academic achievement, improved social skills, and a greater sense of well-being for students. Simply put—when parents are engaged, students thrive.


If you haven’t yet had a chance to be involved, we warmly invite you to join in. Whether it’s volunteering at an event, attending an information session, or supporting a school initiative, your contribution—big or small—helps create a vibrant and connected school community.


Thank you for the time, effort, and enthusiasm you bring to St. Cecilia’s. We look forward to continuing this partnership with you throughout the year!


Keeping Pope Francis in Our Prayers

As a faith community, we ask you to join us in keeping Pope Francis in your thoughts and prayers as he faces a significant illness. Pope Francis has been an extraordinary leader, guiding the Church with wisdom, humility, and a deep commitment to the values of faith, acceptance, compassion, and excellence—values that we strive to live out every day at St. Cecilia’s.


Throughout his papacy, Pope Francis has inspired millions with his message of love, service, and care for the most vulnerable. He has reminded us that faith calls us to action, acceptance invites us to embrace all people, compassion moves us to serve others, and excellence challenges us to be the best versions of ourselves. His leadership has shown us what it means to live with kindness and integrity, and his influence continues to shape the way we educate and nurture our students.


At this time, as he faces health challenges, let us come together as a school community to pray for his strength, comfort, and healing. May his example continue to guide us in our mission and inspire us to be people of hope and love.


Swimming Program Information (repeat)

Our Foundation – Year 4 swimming program for this year commences on

Monday, March 17 and concludes on Friday, March 28.

The lessons are held at Bialik College, Tooronga Road, Hawthorn. 

The program is coordinated by Maccabi Aquatics.


This ten day intensive swimming program has daily 45 minute sessions and students are placed in groups designed to ensure each group is working on the same skills daily to refine existing skills and develop new ones.


Please refer to the recent Audiri post for further details of the program.

Permission submissions are due due Friday March 7.


Fair Meeting - Thursday March 20, 7:30pm

We have been really thrilled with the level of parent involvement and participation already in 2025. The parent body brings so much to our school community. One of the most significant and vital events run by our parent body is our annual school fair.


This year we are looking for as many parents as possible to join our Fair Committee. We all know that many hands make light work, therefore we are hoping this year to recruit as many willing hands as possible.


At our upcoming Fair Meeting, current and retiring committee members will explain some of what has been involved in the organising various aspects of the Fair in past years, and there will also be an opportunity to share ideas about new initiatives and possibilities.

Please come along if you can (and drag along a friend or two as well). 


The meeting will be held at school and light refreshments will be served sustain those who come along.

Have a great weekend!


Marty McKenna


St Cecilia’s Primary School